Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] be due to [art] " in BNC.

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1 This may be due to a reduction of free water clearance resulting in elevation of the blood volume and suppression of renin while the osmotic effect of hyperglycaemia may further exacerbate the problem .
2 This may be due to a lesser degree of familiarity with the larger units which are 1,000 times as large as the smaller units with which the pupils are likely to have more practical experience .
3 Second , if a difference is found this may be due to a range of factors besides marking to the market with stochastic interest rates , such as default risk , liquidity , and regulation .
4 This may be due to a print cartridge problem
5 Partly , this may be due to the fact that outside the tropics atmospheric circulation is from west to east , due to Coriolis forces , the forces which result from the effect of the Earth 's rotation on moving bodies . )
6 This may be due to the poor quality of the preaching or it may be due to the fact that some Christians have their own interpretation of the dominical saying , ‘ Except ye be as little children ye can not enter the kingdom of heaven ’ .
7 This may be due to the generation gap .
8 Certainly the feeling excited here is strange and unusual , and this may be due to the confusion in the man 's mind between his sheep and his children ( lines 21–30 , 81–90 ) .
9 This may be due to the economic climate , but also the harsh reality of trying to justify fee increases to clients whose perception of the audit service has not changed .
10 This may be due to the ‘ halo effect ’ of expecting bad behaviour from a child labelled as naughty .
11 I believe that this may be due to the sense of security and feeling of being safe which comes from familiar methods and tasks .
12 This may be due to the fact that the article appears to be ‘ lifted ’ from my newsletter which appeared in the Autumn 1992 edition of the ‘ Cornishman ’ magazine .
13 This may be due to the coarse resolution of the model ( 3.5 km vertically ) and a number of uncertainties remaining in the model calculations , such as the initial distribution of the volcanic cloud and the amount of SO 2 injected .
14 We belong to a dog club and someone there has suggested that this may be due to the fact that she is spayed .
15 The results were mixed , and this may be due to the presence of another powerful factor ( the 1987 stock market crash ) during the data period .
16 This may be due to the very low population density — below 0.03 per acre ; similar ( slight ) differences between rural and urban areas are well known in certain childhood infectious diseases .
17 O. opercularis can be distinguished from O. bairdi by the disk bearing only low granules , the shape of the oral shield which is more rounded , the shape of the proximal oral papillae which are more rounded than those of O. bairdi , finally the tentacle pore is smaller — although this may be due to the small size of the specimen .
18 This may be due to the overlapping of many vibration sub-bands , including hot bands corresponding to species in which low-frequency vibrations are excited .
19 Africa and Latin America seem to have been rather more prolific — in English translation at least — though this may be due to the vigour with which the publishers have sought out writers to publish .
20 This may be due to the greater paradigmatic influence of geophysical research on the other earth sciences .
21 This may be due to the lack of motivation and low rate of pay .
22 It may be the result of inability to maintain a constant frequency of electrical control activity and this may be due to the effects of muscle disease on groups of muscle cells producing populations with altered frequencies .
23 This may be due to the system running slowly .
24 This may be due to the complete absence of functional Ea and/or non-polymorphism of the Ea gene product .
25 This must be due to the current lack of understanding of the design process and the risks associated with developing such a system .
26 This might be due to the ineffectiveness of treatment , to a slow rate of progression of tumours , to competing causes of death , or , most likely , to a combination of all these factors .
27 This might be due to the accompanying reduction in synthesis of the 4 series leukotrienes .
28 This could be due to the notorious solubility problems with halofantrine which will be especially prominent in in-vitro systems with drug in solution .
29 Mintel chief executive John Cunningham said : ‘ Some of the variations in price will be due to differences in exchange rates , some will be due to the differences in local raw materials and production or shipping costs , and some will be due to variation in taxes .
30 But being different can be due to a whole range of factors .
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