Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] a [adj] proportion of " in BNC.

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1 A combination of a biographical dictionary of activists begun in the 1920s ( which was cut short by Stalin after completion of only the volumes covering the 1860s , 70s and a small proportion of the activists of 1880–1904 ) and the meticulous records of the Police and Justice Departments on political arrests have made possible rough estimates of the number who actually fell foul of the authorities .
2 In looking at changes in marriage patterns alone , one finds that , generally speaking , people are marrying younger and a higher proportion of women are marrying .
3 There was , of course , similar deprivation among Protestants in Derry but their numbers were fewer and a smaller proportion of the total Protestant population suffered such conditions .
4 Disputes between natural and adoptive parents are not unusual and a fair proportion of arrangements break down .
5 Although Brixton has £180m of borrowings , all but a small proportion of this is borrowed at fixed rates so it does not suffer from higher interest rates .
6 But prevailing attitudes towards the Jews at this time among all but a small proportion of the population , discriminatory though they were in different degrees , did not remotely match the anti-Jewish paranoia of Hitler and the activist Jew-baiting elements within the Nazi Movement .
7 As was noted earlier , over two-thirds of the study group were single and a large proportion of these were still living in the parental home .
8 It is not suggested that any but a small proportion of private homes are like this , but where such conditions do occur , it indicates that the vetting , registration and monitoring procedures are failing .
9 Public transport in the town was frequent and fairly cheap and a high proportion of people travelling to the shops did so by bus .
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