Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] were supposed to be " in BNC.

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1 All that pent-up rage , kicking the bicycle rack … but proper competitors were supposed to be aggressive .
2 The intelligence , by which alone such subjects were supposed to be understood , was thought to be wholly distinct from other , lower , faculties .
3 Originally , the Six Clerks were supposed to be the attorneys in court of the parties to a Chancery suit .
4 In America , they made six hundred prints of the film and decided these bits were supposed to be in black-and-white and they could fix it !
5 These trends were supposed to be so powerful that many groups were driven to extinction as once-useful organs became overdeveloped to the extent that they interfered with the animals ' ability to cope with the environment .
6 Sleek , dramatic good looks were supposed to be the exclusive property of the more fashionable marques .
7 The main housework followed , and all the oilcloth floors had to be scrubbed — houses that had oilcloth in those days were supposed to be well off .
8 In August 1944 , having enlisted Chinese support , Ho crossed the border into north Vietnam to make contact once again with the Vietminh forces who , by this time , and in the absence of any other administrative control or military power , were extending their influence in the mountains of northern Tonkin in the area known as the Viet Bac Revolutionary armed forces were supposed to be growing and there was apparently enough revolutionary enthusiasm to support the idea of launching another insurrection from there within a couple of months .
9 From 1851 onwards the recorded ages were supposed to be accurate and the precise places of birth were noted .
10 But nobody then dared question the magical properties of the first five years when Oedipal fantasies were supposed to be raging in the unconscious .
11 Identical twins were supposed to be very close to each other , and as they were also born under Gemini there was a double bond .
12 All these big , strong , wise doctors were supposed to be in charge , they were supposed to be helping me-that was the only compensation for the humiliating procedure I 'd had to endure .
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