Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] lead [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Changing economic circumstances and social aspirations have led to increased interest in rural life and in the particular problems facing rural people .
2 In some cases , for example the smoke pollution which used to be especially acute in winter when smoke and fog mixed to produce dense and harmful ‘ smog ’ , tougher standards have led to dramatic improvements in environmental quality .
3 These changes have led to significant increases in labour productivity on the railways , despite the falling tendency of rail traffic .
4 Mr Bannock estimates that these increases have led to substantial gains in employment , with three million more people working in businesses with fewer than 1,000 staff .
5 The establishment of sickle cell centres in many cities has led to increased awareness of the condition and greatly improved care for sufferers , and much of the credit for this must go to the dedicated nurses , health visitors and counsellors involved .
6 Under-resourcing over many years had led to inordinate delays .
7 That is only one of a series of incidents in the CAA 's files where conflicting transmissions have led to dangerous situations .
8 The availability of water is the main constraint on food production and while traditional shifting cultivation and nomadic practices are inherently conservation-oriented , the trend towards permanent cultivation and settled herding over the last 50 years has led to widespread environmental change .
9 Crystal ( 1984 ) points out that attempts to classify linguistic disabilities have led to considerable confusion and that terminology is seldom used systematically .
10 Genital dermatoses are seen by specialists from disciplines other than dermatology , and the evolution of multidisciplinary teams running combined clinics for vulval diseases has led to improved diagnoses and management of patients with these problems .
11 The issue of two-year degrees had led to long discussions on the Council .
12 It might help designers if a history of mismatches that arose during trials and the actions taken to correct them , was kept ; indeed we feel that some of the particular cases do lead to useful generalization .
13 In recent years the study of megalithic remains such as Stonehenge in terms of hypothetical astronomical alignments has led to various interesting speculations concerning prehistoric man 's knowledge of the calendar .
14 the increasing stranglehold of the big brewers has led to high prices , poor choice and pub closures ; and many new small breweries have been driven out of business .
15 A century of saving seed from the best plants has led to continuous improvements .
16 Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations the employer is required to ensure safe working practices , but recent studies have led to serious reservations about the reliability of this two tier system for venepuncture .
17 PANAMA is the latest in a series of rogue regimes , the menacing state of whose internal affairs has led to armed intervention by other countries — and to an unresolved international tangle about the legality of such action .
18 The constraints are particularly important in the case of council housing , as changes in government financial yardsticks have led to considerable variations in the quality of housing built over time ( Byrne 1976 ) .
19 Visits from archivists and librarians to study the holdings of local maps has led to useful contacts as well as to the provision of further photocopies to the local archive and library services .
20 In its latest World Development Report , the World Bank acknowledges that some of its past policies have led to environmental degradation , but insists that it is now geared toward promoting sustainable development and , in particular , the alleviation of third world poverty .
21 In both patients naloxone led to great improvement , supporting the idea that endogenous opiates are involved in the condition .
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