Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the idea of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Even ignoring the fact that they were meant as definitions of natures or essences , Gassendi finds something wrong with the idea of finding universal propositions for the premisses of a scientific syllogism .
2 It was in this context that Emily Faithfull and Bessie Rayner Parkes first became interested in the idea of opening the compositor 's trade to women .
3 The CPP , which was happy to go along with the election , seems averse to the idea of losing it .
4 One problem of working in limited specialty areas is that existing clients might be averse to the idea of employing the same search firm as their rivals ; so Merton , approached by another major retailer with an assignment , cleared the matter with Tesco first .
5 I had no wish to marry anyone now that I could n't marry Nour , but I was particularly averse to the idea of marrying my mother .
6 First I make the mistake of falling in love with this man who probably wo n't remember what I look like the minute I leave this place , even though he 's not averse to the idea of making love to me while we 're under the same roof .
7 In Nice the people were not used to painters and felt embarrassed at the idea of posing for them .
8 Others , such as the ideas of perceiving , willing , and doubting , come from ‘ reflection ’ , from our ‘ perception of the operations of our own minds … as it is employed about the ideas it has got [ from sensation ] ’ .
9 If you are uncomfortable with the idea of attending a local NHS run course , then some form of distance learning package , which involves studying at home with some tutorial support , may be what you need to get you started .
10 Similar to the idea of producing remedies from disease processes which can then be used to treat the effects of that disease is the idea of potentizing individual substances to counteract allergies and sensitivities to them .
11 In the end , too , it was the Japanese that turned out to be most amenable to the idea of throwing away and starting from scratch ; which is what Taos does .
12 In the end , too , it was the Japanese that turned out to be most amenable to the idea of throwing away and starting from scratch ; which is what Taos does .
13 More simply put , the aim is to persuade Americans to get comfortable with the idea of buying art in a department store .
14 Intrinsic in the idea of bringing about a shift in resources , therefore , is the assumption that community and district services must be made available before any major reduction in institutional care is implemented .
15 People have become ever more hostile to the idea of living near a rubbish dump .
16 Maddock reports that most firms are hostile to the idea of moving people between civil and military sectors : ‘ There already exists a large culture gap and it is getting even wider . ’
17 It was confused , slow to change — a factor amplified by the fact that there was no party conference between October 1937 and May 1939 — and deliberately hostile to the idea of working with other anti-fascist groups .
18 Soon thrilling to the idea of becoming a father , Frank goes to Dr Smedley 's maternity clinic to ask for advice , such as how to deliver the baby if it is born ‘ immaturely ’ .
19 Constance was so thrilled at the idea of working in such a glamorous world that she would have agreed to anything in order to have the job .
20 He wrote what became a celebrated memorandum to Cordell Hull , the secretary of state , in which he declared that he was " thrilled by the idea of using iran as an example of what we could do by an unselfish American policy .
21 Like others in the street , he is not enchanted with the idea of working for dole money .
22 An important canvas of the autumn or early winter of 1906 , Two Nudes , now in the Museum of Modern Art , New York , could equally well be seen as two studies of a single figure viewed from diametrically opposed positions , an indication that Picasso was not only attempting to produce images of almost unprecedented weight and girth , but that he was also becoming impatient or dissatisfied with the idea of viewing his subjects from a single , stationary point of view .
23 Sir Adrian seems unhappy with the idea of drawing up a vast catalogue of top management attributes and is more inclined to the view that being a good senior executive is something gleaned from hard experience .
24 The five dogs on the other end of it were not impressed with the idea of going backwards and battle was joined .
25 The Council was opposed to the idea of setting up interim validating bodies , and it would be willing to share validation with the universities .
26 On top of this , there were plenty of people in NoS who were opposed to the idea of having an editor at all .
27 Although most tanker owners and their crews were opposed to the idea of arming their ships , there appears to have been at least one exception : a Greek-flag cargo ship , the Norasia Karsten , was alleged to have fired a missile at a US helicopter in January 1987 , a charge the owners denied .
28 If the test is successful , he will feel very unhappy at the idea of entering the tower .
29 Many scientists have long been intrigued by the idea of adding a known toxic substance to water supplies to reduce cavities in teeth .
30 To be fair , engineers are also impressed by the idea of harnessing the purifying capabilities of nature in this way , largely confining themselves to pointing out the real-world constraints on the wilder flights of fancy .
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