Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] before he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Yet even on this issue we must be cautious : marriage was an irrevocable step ; though death almost as often and as rapidly parted married couples in the twelfth century as it does in the twentieth , a prince might well take careful thought before he threw the dice , just as , even then , a prudent man might spend many years looking for the woman of his choice .
2 No doubt he sees this as a stage in his learning to win again , but all the time , he is learning instead to derive small satisfactions from losing — a skill he will have discarded some time before he won the Weembledon ( he really did pronounce it like that ) Junior Championship , all of 20 years ago .
3 Claudia glimpsed Myra 's interested face before he closed the door .
4 He knew he had broken his left thigh before he hit the ground .
5 Being aware of the strict alcohol regulations , I did not object to this , although I did think it rather unfair that a school-friend was obliged to dispose of his soft drink before he entered the ground .
6 The hon. Gentleman made a totally false comparison before he made the totally false allegation that I had misled the House .
7 And then he was gone down the stairs , running lightly , for all his limp , and the last which she saw of him was the sandy-blond head before he turned the corner of the first landing .
8 By Ord 29 , r 1A , a copy of the peremptory order should be served , that is handed , to the recalcitrant party before he leaves the court building , or else posted to him , or through his solicitor — by the " proper officer " ; if delivery can not be effected in one or other of these ways , the order is to be delivered to the party for whose benefit the order has been made , and he should then have it served personally .
9 He liked to finish it each morning before he fetched the new day 's papers .
10 His father was a full back in his professional career before he joined the Northern League circuit as a manager .
11 IT WAS a full year before he made the break — but eventually , on August 21 , 1984 , he went over to one of the more independent local magazines , Cauce , and asked for its leading journalist Monica Gonzalez .
12 He summoned his courage and said so to the grim-faced man before he left the sick room .
13 what about those painti , that painting before he had the market stall
14 I had gone through the most difficult period in an athlete 's career , that time before he makes the breakthrough , when he has difficulty in finding the right kind of competition , when money is tight .
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