Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] over [art] period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It may be recommended that independent psychiatric or psychological assessment is made or that the sufferer is admitted for prolonged assessment over a period of time ( ten days or so ) in daily contact with the group of patients already in treatment .
2 In this thesis he describes a meticulous dietary study over a period of several years at the Juliana Children 's Hospital in a patient with coeliac disease , which started in 1936 !
3 And I believe er , at this meeting it was revealed that Scottish Homes had received a tender from the West Lothian District Council for this work over a period of ten years for a figure which comes to four hundred thousand pound which , apparently , was the cheapest tender !
4 Captive-bred Pretty Tetras , have a much more brighter colouration than wild-caught specimens , the latter of which tend to lose this brightness over a period of time when kept in an aquarium .
5 This 11-year series combined with earlier observations of the pulsar gives us a fairly complete account of the rotational behaviour of this pulsar over a period of 23 years , including the glitches of 1969 , 1975 and 1986 ( refs 4–6 ) .
6 Roebuck , moved a famous and extremely detailed vote of censure on Palmerston 's foreign policy over a period of two decades , 2,000 – 3,000 volumes of manuscript correspondence were consulted by officials in the government 's attempt to produce a convincing rebuttal .
7 We have recently shown that significant portal and systemic endotoxaemia occurs in this model over a period of three weeks .
8 This latter is a longitudinal survey over a period of two and a half years following a structured sample of some 4,000 persons who registered as unemployed in May 1980 .
9 The graph shows the performance of the FT-SE 100 Index over the period of 1 January 1979 to 1 January 1992 and the growth potential of investments linked to the Stock Market .
10 Like many earnest campaigns , the society raised moral indignation over a period of three years when a ‘ naked ’ papier mâché horse was put on display in a Manhattan airline office ; the horse was quickly removed and an apology was sent as speedily .
11 These convertible issues are convertible into the underlying equity at a fixed rate over a period of years and usually on certain dates in each year .
12 It is impossible to judge on the basis of a single day , however , and you should be looking for a consistent improvement over a period of time .
13 A number of very different trends were to be seen in a sample of frequencies on bus routes , ranging from consistent decline over the period since 1939 to slight increase in recent years on a few routes .
14 When such Stakhanovite chastity over a period of months finally coaxed some forlorn gesture of affection from the girl , he told her he wanted to get to know her better .
15 The aim of the research is to arrive at an interdisciplinary understanding of particular cases by intensive study over a period of time , using both flexible interviews and questionnaires ; and by the incorporation of survey data and through theoretical interpretation to generalise to wider organisational and occupational areas .
16 Alternatively , negotiators may form a view about likely inflation over the period of the wage contract based on its recent past behaviour .
17 Firstly , there will be a cross-sectional approach , looking at a wide range of firms and markets ; and secondly , there swill be a time series approach , which will follow a firm 's involvement with a particular national market over a period of time .
18 Thus , while Piaget emphasised the importance of the child 's actions upon the world , other researchers have focused upon the child 's reactions to other people and the interactions which occur when adult and infant act and react towards each other over a period of time .
19 There is a spontaneous gradual recovery over a period of weeks or months and the protein concentration of spinal fluid becomes elevated .
20 In Boston " mentoring " programmes exist where employers release a staff member on a regular basis over a period of months to work with potential " drop outs " to win their commitment .
21 Where parties do business together on the same terms on a regular basis over a period of time , their trading may amount to a course of dealing .
22 She says you have to have evidence of continued use over a period of time and in a variety of sources so that it 's not just very specialised and short-lived .
23 They are the inevitable result of her stand in advocating bourgeois liberalisation over a period of time . ’
24 Third , the gradual detoxification over a period of ten days , in order to avoid common withdrawal symptoms of tiredness , insomnia and general irritability , may be helped by use of chewing gum containing nicotine .
25 And when it is burnt in large amounts , then the CO 2 that was taken up in the ancient world over a period of , say , a million years , may be released into the modern world in just a few years .
26 Usually the syndrome is associated with frequent coughing and slight tachypnoea over a period of a few days ; less frequently there is marked tachypnoea , hyperpnoea and in dairy cows a reduction in milk yield .
27 The present prospective study was designed to evaluate all patients with symptoms of gastrooesophageal reflux , who were submitted to a clinical assessment over a period of time .
28 A 48-YEAR-OLD Angus man was jailed for three years yesterday for using lewd and indecent practices to a girl and her older sister over a period of 17 years .
29 Firstly it has been shown to act specifically to inhibit dietary fat consumption over a period of four to six hours after experimental administration without changing total 24 hour intake .
30 It felt as though anti-racism had become an important issue over a period of just one year .
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