Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] had be achieved [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although some success had been achieved through its radical economic , social and political programme in the early period , suspicions of the links with more sinister movements in Europe and the development of anti-semitism and political violence turned public opinion against the fascist movement .
2 Standard and Poor 's cautioned , however , that macro-economic success had been achieved at the expense of widening the gap between rich and poor and through reduced spending on health , education and infrastructure .
3 It agreed to the sale because a refusal would merely have delayed it until the six months ' residential qualification had been achieved by the co-tenant , the committee was told .
4 The British conquest had been achieved by forces predominantly Indian .
5 Military victory in the Civil War had been achieved by a heavy emphasis on combined political and military control from the centre , and this successful method was broadly reapplied in NEP to social life , despite the relaxation on the economic front .
6 The previous year , a more credible figure had been achieved without the need of a formal agreement at all .
7 Sommer and Zeger have estimated that if full compliance had been achieved in the Aceh study the reduction in mortality in months 4 to 12 would have been 72% rather than the 41% given by the intention to treat analysis .
8 A basic minimal consensus on political union had been achieved at an informal meeting of the Council of ( Foreign ) Ministers in Parknasilla ( Ireland ) on May 19-20 .
9 Once tracheal intubation had been achieved with the aid of a stylet , surgery proceeded uneventfully .
10 Later in that decade the British media announced , with some pride , that the eminent scientist Sir John Cockroft was ‘ 90 per-cent certain ’ that controlled thermonuclear fusion had been achieved at the Harwell Laboratory .
11 Alatas and Durao Barroso both acknowledged that no significant progress had been achieved at the meeting .
12 The huge expansion had been achieved without a reduction in quality , the inspectors said , but they warned that the polytechnics were seriously underfunded .
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