Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] is so strong that " in BNC.

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1 It seems that our collective wish for this state is so strong that we are quite unable to contemplate the opposite .
2 This expectation is so strong that most congregations are prepared to spend huge sums for the provision and maintenance of an instrument which is , in many cases , the single most valuable asset in the building .
3 Normally , the energy of the particle is still positive , but the gravitational field inside a black hole is so strong that even a real particle can have negative energy there .
4 The increased order is so strong that no neuro-electric message can fight it — a special EM field has to be applied .
5 Indeed , some have argued that the ‘ traditionalism of his general philosophy is so strong that it virtually disables him from that critical rationalism which is essential for the appraisal of particular traditions ’ .
6 An example of this in the classical theory of general relativity is provided by a black hole , which is a region of space-time in which the gravitational field is so strong that any light or other signal is dragged back into the region and can not escape to the outside world .
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