Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] is whether it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 An important question to ask about any new movement in social psychology is whether it proposes a universal or particular perspective .
2 The first question I want to ask of contemporary antiracism is whether it does not collude in accepting that the problems of ‘ race ’ and racism are somehow peripheral to the substance of political life .
3 While the Arts Council may survive as an advisory body , the crucial question is whether it retains a funding role : ‘ The days of the arm 's length principle are gone .
4 The crucial question is whether it manages to liberate at least as much energy from fusions as was expended in running a particle accelerator to produce that muon in the first place .
5 Like any other scientific theory , it may initially be put forward for aesthetic or metaphysical reasons , but the real test is whether it makes predictions that agree with observation .
6 The important question is whether it fulfils the longer term expectations which the Spanish authorities have invested in it .
7 The gravest doubt which has assailed historians about Charlemagne 's moral and educational programme is whether it had much effect .
8 Rather than ask whether a NATO tank remains superior to a Soviet tank , the relevant question is whether it remains superior to four Soviet tanks .
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