Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that [pron] 's [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 and all this money that he 's got , ca n't pay a man a living wage , so but it 's a decent as I say , he 's lucky to be got a job these days .
2 I think there 's another jacket that he 's got and there 's no room to keep them all downstairs on the hook hanging in the passage
3 But I 'm I I I 'm not sure what relevance it is , I mean is this some procedure that it 's got to be reduced into writing ?
4 Oh I mean many of them were taken out of a book which had in the front price five and sixpence so a so I think that went very well and er I mean Jack was much encouraged by it so much so that he 's going to actually offer to do it for another organisation that he 's connected with
5 She 's anxious to show me this pasty that she 's made .
6 But as I say , this says that , an that 's a relatively new and certainly draconian power , and it 's recommended in this document that it 's removed .
7 From that girl that he 's had .
8 I said what I wanted was a pickup to make my guitar sound more like a Les Paul — really fat and not this thin , screechy shit that everyone 's got .
9 We rehearsed so much stuff that it 's given us plenty of music to play around with on the tour .
10 what is that room that he 's got at the back ?
11 I mean that 's just one village , or one county that he 's described but how widespread throughout the north
12 Could I just make one suggestion that it 's made within the next six months as well .
13 did he say he show you any work that he 's done or anything ?
14 I mean , if there 's a copy in the information office is that good enough proof that it 's gone ?
15 So any tax-free cash that she 's got might be useful .
16 In south Yorkshire during the forties , we were particularly disapproving of the sort of woman who ‘ puts on every bit of cheap jewellery that she 's got ’ .
17 He has a duty , his Christian duty that he 's adopted to communicate this so that other Christians can understand what was happening to Jesus .
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