Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] of control [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A court must be able to exercise some measure of control over the cases which are brought before it , to prevent injustice to either party and to ensure that the various issues can be fully and effectively dealt with .
2 Fourth , the holder of a floating charge will have some measure of control over the company even without taking any steps to enforce it .
3 The military involvement of England in continental war meant an unusually high concern for achieving and maintaining some measure of control of the sea .
4 Somehow if I could only know what he was doing and who he was seeing , that gave me some kind of control over the situation .
5 Elsewhere , the main instrument for this capture of control by the notables — an English diplomat called them the gentry — was the election of Juntas .
6 In addition to imitation , there are a number of other procedures designed to give the teacher or therapist some degree of control over the child 's language production .
7 The government had been thinking about ways for the administration to maintain some degree of control over the colonies since the mid-1650s ; in 1675 Charles set up the first organization to establish any record of continuity , a sign that his possessions overseas were settling down into some sort of discernible order .
8 To hypothesize , it was as if the king of France held the earldom of Cornwall or Lancaster from the king of England , who could therefore exert some degree of control over the foreign policy and behaviour of the king of France .
9 This explains why the Commission wishes to exercise some degree of control over the freedom to subsidise .
10 The Home Secretary performs the following functions in relation to all police forces : ( a ) Some degree of control over the appointment and dismissal of senior officers .
11 They might see it as better to take-over their main supplier , even if it means that company losing some existing orders from competing manufacturers of food products ; * buyers may deliberately seek international suppliers , so as to maintain their choice and retain some degree of control over the prices and terms of supply .
12 The very fact that the installation of a protective system is considered presupposes that some degree of control of the fire is desired , and if this is the case , the degree of control required must be capable of being quantified .
13 This impression of the object of have being represented as completely submissive to the will of the person referred to by the subject explains moreover the use of the bare infinitive with this verb : this exercise of control by the causer over the causee can be seen as persisting throughout the realization of the infinitive event .
14 This has the advantage of establishing a high degree of control over the target utterance and , if the child is co-operating , it is possible to make a direct comparison between the utterance the child was attempting to produce and what the child actually said .
15 planning applications , erm the sort of locational aspects are important , the the existing policy in the structure plan did have some sort of control over the the number of jobs , but it 's as as David Potter has said , it 's been very difficult to monitor er the level of jobs being provided , and in practice it 's been really impossible to implement that aspect of of the policy .
16 Judicial review of the exercise of discretionary powers by administrative bodies has been self-consciously based on the need to ensure that the intention of the legislature is implemented and that discretionary power is subjected to some sort of control in the name of the Rule of Law .
17 The subsequent assignment of levels of attainment to certain age groups introduces a further layer of control on the ability of schools to respond to diversity .
18 This strongly implies the operation of some form of control by the physical environment , and some likely examples of an ultimate link with plate tectonics have been presented above .
19 Castile itself had been named after the fortresses built along the border between Christian and Moslem Spain , and essentially those who held these castles held the greatest degree of control over the lands on either side .
20 It was intended as a device to enable states with major accumulations of crude oil to exercise the fullest possible degree of control over the industry concerned with its extraction .
21 Thus we require participatory democracy to give the individual a real measure of control over the life and structure of his/her environment .
22 In the first place , it involves some actual power of control over the thing possessed .
23 Even when industries were not state owned there were various other instruments by which government actually exercised a large measure of control over the private sector .
24 The programmers in the company initially had a good deal of control over the computer installation , which provoked management to cut down their influence .
25 It is generally believed today that hyperinflations can be avoided by the maintenance of a reasonable degree of control over the supply of money .
26 One way of avoiding most of the problems associated with legislative guide-lines , while still ensuring a reasonable degree of control over the way sentencers exercise their discretion , would be to hand over the task of preparing the guide-lines to an independent sentencing commission or council , of the kind proposed by Ashworth ( 1993a : 447 , 1997 : 91 ) .
27 Using the Light Rifle about 10′ from a 22″ television set gave a reasonable degree of control over the game .
28 A few years later , Mary Barnett reiterated the position : ‘ One of the most marked characteristics of the age is a growing spirit of independence in the children and a corresponding slackening of control in the parents . ’
29 We all believe in political fairness : we accept that each person or group in the community should have a roughly equal share of control over the decisions made by Parliament or Congress or the state legislature .
30 Among positive rights , we should include the rights : to have all one 's experience and knowledge assessed in the admissions process ; to determine the subjects studied ; to have a legitimate measure of control over the pace and the methods of study ; to be able to follow a particular academic interest , or develop a point of view of one 's own ; to be examined in ways which do justice to the student 's achievements ; and to be credited with those parts of a course which have been passed successfully ( should the student wish or need to move to another institution , or to take a break in the programme of study ) .
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