Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] could be achieve [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This result could be achieved through the application of similar reasoning to that adopted by the Privy council in NZ Shipping Co Ltd v AM Satterthwaite Co Ltd [ 1975 ] AC 154 .
2 Whether it was the Vietminh , the Binh Xuyen , or , most likely , Trotskyists , who were responsible , it obviously shattered any confidence that the restoration of French power could be achieved without such savage resistance .
3 It was felt that if such unity could be achieved in the poorly organized wool textile trade then it was even more likely that it might be achieved in better organized industries .
4 Something more of the requisite independence could be achieved by Berkeley 's doctrine that ideas which are not subject to our own will are produced in us by God : the independence of a real thing , its having some continuity despite interrupted perception of it , could be explained in terms of a continued readiness on God 's part to excite the requisite ideas in us at suitable moments .
5 What they contested was the presumption that moral reform could be achieved through a centralized programme of sanitary intervention which reinforced the sexual oppression of women .
6 But since only a limited amount could be achieved within the overloaded RHA capital programme , it was decided to select two for a closure programme within the strategic planning period ( 1983 to 1993 ) .
7 However , it is difficult to imagine how the specific contacts in the major groove could be achieved by the recognition helix when the non-specific contacts of the anchoring helix are inexistent .
8 Generic substitution could be achieved in a number of ways .
9 He was convinced that full employment could be achieved without requiring all the measures of State intervention which a year before ( at a previous conference ) he had argued were essential .
10 Next , the implication that full employment could be achieved by budget deficits encouraged the separation of decisions to spend from decisions to tax , and there has been a tendency for the former to grow faster than the latter .
11 The Six had reverted to Schuman 's view that political union could be achieved in the long run through a sustained effort at economic integration across a broad front .
12 On the one hand , if the landlord has redevelopment plans or if a higher rent could be achieved on a reletting of a greater part of the building , it will be in the landlord 's interest to ensure that all tenancies are expressed to expire on the same date .
13 It went on , " I really do not see how a successful result could be achieved by forcible means . "
14 Pak 's presence strengthened the argument for regarding the government as representing the whole of Korea and underlined the hopes that Korean unification could be achieved through a major rebellion in the south .
15 From the perspective of the NHS , considerable health gains and reductions in expenditure over the longer term could be achieved by expanding health promotion work with older people , a previously neglected group .
16 Of course , the same result could be achieved without putting the bookkeeping through a Loans Fund .
17 Much the same result could be achieved by creating a trust for sale of the land ; that is to say , by conveying the land to trustees upon trust to sell , and to hold the income of the land until sale , and the proceeds of sale , upon trust for beneficiaries in any desired order .
18 Alternatively , the same result could be achieved by entering into one long-term " requirements " contract on specially negotiated terms with that customer .
19 If the British governments of the 1980s had been elected by proportional representation , it is almost unthinkable that any party could have gained a sufficient majority to impose the sweeping reforms instituted by Mrs Thatcher — or that decisive government of any hue could be achieved in the future .
20 The same cut could be achieved with a 100 cc reduction in the size of engines .
21 A wider bandwidth could be achieved at the expense of a shorter delay time , but this would not give such a good reverberation effect .
22 Authors of such reforms believe that greater diversity could be achieved by imposing restrictions on rules of ownership , by imposing levies on advertising revenue so as to create a pool of funds for alternative publications , and generally by controlling free-market forces .
23 The hypothesis of the asylum founders , that cure could be achieved through placement in a segregated and controlled environment , had been nullified many years before .
24 Positive stressing of the geometric square could be achieved by the application of negative forces .
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