Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb mod] properly be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It was recognised in these cases that an indeterminate sentence could properly be passed in a case where dangerousness arose from a non-treatable personality disorder .
2 It is debatable whether this permission can properly be described as a " right or interest " in the copyright ; if it can be so described then sections 2 to 4 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 do not apply to software contracts and this is the most likely interpretation .
3 Thus Lord Bridge 's guiding principle could properly be expanded to read ‘ one looks to see what the taxpayer has done to earn the profit in question and where he has done it . ’
4 In my opinion no such implied agreement can properly be inferred .
5 For the above reasons and those contained in the speech of my noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , which I have had the privilege of reading in draft , I would allow this appeal on the ground that the courts are entitled to substitute some different protection in place of the privilege against self-incrimination , providing that such protection can properly be considered as adequate protection .
6 Sometimes a partner will be recruited on the strength of his professional expertise alone and yet receive a share in the firm 's capital : where such arrangement can properly be regarded as commercial ( and this will usually be the case ) there will be no adverse tax consequences ( see Chapter 10 ) .
7 The Law Society advises that the following information might properly be given : ( 1 ) notification that the partner concerned will be leaving the firm on a specified date .
8 If the operative part could properly be controlled by the recitals , I think there would be much reason to say that the only thing contemplated by the recitals was giving time for payment , without any relinquishment , on the part of the judgment creditor , of any portion of the amount recoverable ( whether for principal or for interest ) under the judgment .
9 But it is only against such a background , I submit , that the issue of the technological imperative can properly be understood .
10 On the contrary , to emphasise the personal and private nature of moral or immoral conduct is to emphasise the personal and private responsibility of the individual for his own actions , and this is a responsibility which a mature agent can properly be expected to carry for himself without the threat of punishment from the law .
11 This led him to doubt whether authentic religious belief can properly be tied to and bound up with particular historical events .
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