Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pers pn] [vb mod] be said " in BNC.

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1 At this point it must be said that the CA methodology is not without its critics .
2 In this respect it could be said that there was considerable unevenness within the economy as a whole .
3 In this respect it can be said that the methods of interpretation developed by the European Court match the particular characteristics of Community legal texts .
4 And in this sense it must be said that the Resistance experience , by making us believe that politics is a relationship between man and man or between consciousnesses , fostered our illusions of 1939 and masked the truth of the incredible power of history which the Occupation taught us in another connection .
5 Treitel ( 8th ed. ) , p. 87 says of Ward v. Byham : ‘ One basis of the decision is that the mother had provided consideration by showing that she had made the child happy , etc. : in this way she can be said to have conferred a factual benefit on the father , even though she may not have suffered any detriment . ’
6 In this different culture it can be said that the basic dynamics of the Oedipal situation appear , albeit modified by the different structural and cultural arrangements .
7 To take an example , within this scheme it might be said that computing facilities must be subject to constant returns to scale because a consortium of firms large enough to take advantage of the optimally sized computer could buy one and then time-share its facilities .
8 Nevertheless , to some extent it can be said that it fulfils some of the functions of the preambles in Community texts to which I have just referred .
9 Practical help and emotional support of the bereaved are of course interwoven , but from the purely emotional standpoint it could be said that their greatest needs are for loving concern , good listening and patient understanding of their need to work through their grief in their own way at their own pace .
10 In the instant case it might be said that there was a stronger case for allowing the court 's jurisdiction because there was no provision for any appeal if the Revenue was allowed to invoke s 485 .
11 For those that understand such terminology it might be said that the remedies work at the level of energy and not of matter .
12 But by an extension of remedies and a flexible procedure it can be said that something resembling a system of public law is being developed .
13 Undoubtedly , as a general rule , the seller wants to get the highest price for his property , and the purchaser wishes to give the lowest , and in that sense it may be said that an expected difference between the parties is to be implied in every case , but unless a difference has actually arisen , it does not appear to me to be an " arbitration " .
14 As a general rule it may be said that the more serious the breach , the clearer the words needed to exclude liability for it , and that where the court is faced with a choice of two or more interpretations of a clause , it will favour the one which produces the most reasonable result .
15 If the owner does not resist the taking of his property , or actually hands it over , because of , for example , threats of violence , in one sense it could be said that there is ‘ consent : ’ yet the offence of robbery , as defined in section 8(1) of the Theft Act 1968 , involves , as one of its elements , theft .
16 This is true , but on the other hand it must be said that to give the wrong answer to a problem is not necessarily to miss the point of it .
17 On the other hand it can be said in a grudging negative manner leaving the listener uncomfortable and possibly guilty at having made the request .
18 The kind of determinism dominant in the book is exemplified in his discussion of tense : On the other hand it could be said that the English tense system offers speakers the choice of whether to see time in this way .
19 Indeed in the middle of the twentieth century it can be said that the majority of the world 's population lives under systems of government where the government itself and particularly the executive government are of more importance and are treated with more respect or fear than the Constitution .
20 As parts of a whole Universe we could be said to be responsible for everything , for we are an active part of an active creation .
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