Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun sg] he 'd [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've been meaning to talk to you , but you 've ducked out of the building so fast after finishing your show these last two days , ’ she told him when he stopped to greet her and ask if she had heard the brilliant spontaneous earthquake joke he 'd cracked on air that morning .
2 Later in the evening , Tammuz and his computer decided to investigate an old network tape he 'd uncovered in Roirbak 's huge stockpile of such material .
3 Morse thought it must be the splendid grandfather clock he 'd seen somewhere that he heard chiming the three-quarters ( 10.45 a.m. ) as he and Lewis sat beside each other in a deep settee in the Lancaster Room .
4 His bedroom was the Sleeping Beauty scene he 'd done for Biba 's children 's department and the kitchen area was full of artificial trees — which his party guests used to piss against .
5 Reynolds will also serve another 2 years in custody for an unrelated street robbery he 'd carried out 2 days before the crash .
6 He was very young — only newly qualified in Britain before he 'd decided he 'd had enough of the climate , grey and defeatist , and come to the West Indies to try his luck — but Stephen had admired his chutzpah and Christina the laid-back island style he 'd adopted .
7 He bought groceries to last him the week , then popped next door to the frame shop to pick up the stainless steel frame he 'd ordered for a James Barker black and white print he 'd obtained in an auction some weeks before .
8 Edgar wicket keeper , innkeeper and redoubtable raconteur confided some time after midnight that to help run in his pain-free new hip joint he 'd taken an early morning paper round in Aycliffe village .
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