Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 It seemed to Charles , waiting his turn at the public telephone box on the corner by his billet , that they were never going to be able to meet again .
2 They found a wooden bench seat in a corner and squeezed into it with their drinks — Edward had a pint of bitter and Sally a Babycham in a pretty glass decorated with a dancing fawn in a blue neck-bow .
3 The eventual combination of colour , texture and tone seemed quite pleasing and I was particularly taken by the subtle effect that arose from having a different background colour beneath the corners and sides of the border .
4 The conversion took place of the old Vestry Hall on the corner of Heathfield Terrace and Sutton Court Road , at the beginning of the twentieth century , for the new Urban District Council of Chiswick , the building included not only the Council Chamber and offices and a large Town Hall , but also another Hall named after Hogarth , whose bust is still displayed in the Entrance vestibule .
5 ‘ They are buried in paupers ’ graves beneath the old elm tree in the corner of the churchyard .
6 There were tiny laughter lines at the corners of the eyes .
7 In this motion I have actually requesting that the closure be brought forward in order to relieve what is a dangerous traffic situation at the corner of causeway and .
8 Her eyes were drawn by the impenetrable blackness of the alleys between the parade of houses opposite , a clutch of raucous youths tumbling out of a Victorian plastic pub on the corner and a drunk dressed in a greasy jacket sitting on a bench set back from the road .
9 Cranston stopped to enquire directions of one of the market stewards who sat in his little toll booth on the corner of Wood Street .
10 Now Mr Wakeham said yesterday that high petrol prices are here to stay , considering what you 've just said , does that mean we can see a three pound gallon around the corner ?
11 His large oak chair in the corner was sacred , and the words that he uttered from that privileged seat were truly spoken ex cathedra .
12 which is what I , I , in the I had Eric Bristow and Maureen one night , and , I mean , it was just little dart board in the corner , but what I did was , I had a big screen like that and I just got student television service just to film it live and just throw it straight back up onto the big
13 We got out of the coach and walked through the gates to the stares of those gathered on the gravel , and over to a low metal hut in the corner of the compound where we were ordered to go inside and sit down in silence .
14 The ancient grandfather clock in the corner chimed ten times .
15 A shallow stone sink in the corner where Rose unbuttoned the front of her dress to wash herself .
16 If what you want is to peruse a publication like Big Women , you 'll find it in a discreet magazine rack in a corner of the Smoking Room .
17 Anyhow , we had open views over the Heath and Vale of Health and it made a lovely family home even if it was badly designed with a huge wasteful " well " in the middle of the house which had the advantage of enabling us to come downstairs in a series of flying leaps , holding on to tall mahogany pillars at the corners of the stairway .
18 I could catch a live sex show around the corner , in bleeding Seventh Avenue .
19 ‘ Quits , ’ she said cheerfully , and carried the copper kettle to the brass tap let into the front of the water tank which sat in the big iron stove alongside the kitchen fire , and ran the hot water into it before she set it not on the fire , but on a small gas ring in the corner , lighting the gas with a match from a box of Swan Vestas .
20 which like I say saw one up at erm I told you that fireplace shop on the corner , mind you I think we 'll get Edwards in , he had some in about a hundred and sixty quid or so
21 And , to give the table setting a special festive feel , Kate has attached wide red satin ribbons from the corners , taken them up into a pyramid shape and tied them to the lamp above .
22 Roping up , we moved together for 200 to 300 feet to the foot of the first big ice pitch in the corner system .
23 After a few touch-and-goes I was able to clean-up slickly : throttles carefully forward a couple of inches at main-wheel touch ( no automatic fuel control below 16,000 rpm ) , hold the nose-wheel an inch or two off the tarmac and retract the airbrakes ( thumb switch up for speed-up ) , a bit more throttle , flaps to fifteen ( toggle switch on side console forward — do n't even contemplate touching that too-obtrusive up-and-down flap-shaped undercarriage selector in the corner of you eye on the panel ahead ) , more power , the roar deepens with a steady push from behind , glance at the ASI , full throttle , speed building through ninety , rotate , positive climb , gear up , speed 120 , flaps up speed 170 , crank on the bank and we are downwind again .
24 Menzies the old bon vivant had not a fraction of Atholl 's strength , he would not dare to turn them away , and if he did they would go in there with sticks and clubs and — As Cameron felt his anger rising , he swallowed it , took up his own cherrywood stick from the corner , and went hack outside .
25 Needless to say , the yellow and red-awninged snack vendors at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Eighty-eighth Street are in hot dog heaven .
26 ‘ Well , there 's the lav and the 'andbasin that 's on the landin' , ’ said Mrs Beavis , ‘ but you got your own gas ring in the corner there .
27 Then , when the rice and meat were ready , Mina fetched some pots of river-water from the big copper container in the corner and everyone washed their hands where they were sitting round the fire .
28 Taking up the big garden fork in the corner , she went straight out again .
29 A late flourishing of Victorian Gothic designed by Sir Rowand Anderson , this red stone building at the corner of Queen Street houses both the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland and the Scottish National Portrait Gallery , each well worth visiting .
30 Sean Duffett had given Brightlingsea a 13th minute lead from a corner and Jackie Gallagher did not head Wisbech level until the 80th minute .
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