Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [noun sg] [vb mod] give " in BNC.

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1 Although Bozo 's appointment is being presented as a natural consequence of the desire to reunite the Centre 's four sections , it is clear that his presidency will give the museum a bigger say than in the past and ensure that , where funding is concerned , it is no longer the poor relation of the IRCAM .
2 Ruth walked through the kitchen and ascended the back stairs , looking neither to right nor left , afraid that her face might give her away .
3 I 'm sure that your master will give me shelter and supper tonight . ’
4 ‘ He 's direct , brave and courageous and his inclusion would give them a lift . ’
5 ‘ He 's direct , brave and courageous and his inclusion would give them a lift . ’
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