Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] the idea of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Answer guide : This introduces the idea of arriving at the amount of stock using sales less mark-up , a technique that is often used to produce regular accounts in the retail sector .
2 Some questioned the idea of investing millions into a building to house offenders , but staff say modern facilities are vital to build a stable prison environment .
3 Thus Sir Archibald Geikie ( of the Geological Survey ) in an address at Birmingham in 1898 deplored the idea of splitting schools into two sides or sections ; but the trend towards specialization proved hard to control , and to some the sciences did seem to be all that needed to be known .
4 Feeling grubby , and , she had to admit , starving hungry , and not at all liking the idea of hiding in her room with only a rumbling tummy for company , she had a quick wash , then changed into clean clothes .
5 I had not known Melinda when I first entertained the idea of travelling the length of the Nile .
6 Mr Keating first raised the idea of severing ties with the Crown soon after he became Prime Minister in late 1991 .
7 William Morton Pitt of Kingston Maurwood , MP for Dorset and a relative of the two famous Prime Ministers ‘ impressed with the beauty of the situation of Swanwich and the salubrity of its climate , and finding the shore of smooth fine sand to be admirably adapted for sea bathing , first conceived the idea of raising it to the condition of a watering place ’ .
8 Langer admits that FOE first discussed the idea of endorsing products with Loblaws in the autumn of 1988 .
9 There was also disagreement over the proposal to improve benefits and entitlements for part-time workers , and the Commission was forced in June 1990 to postpone the idea of offering them the same rights , on a pro-rata basis , as their full-time counterparts .
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