Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] over the future [prep] " in BNC.

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1 CONFLICTING views over the future of Scotland 's biggest local government area , Highland Region , will be put to Ian Lang , the Scottish Secretary , in Inverness today .
2 Echoing this anxiety over the future of democracy at the end of the First World War , another government inspector wrote of the need to keep working-class youth ‘ in touch with ‘ the forces of civilisation ’ , for it was necessary always to keep in mind that ‘ we are training a whole social class ’ .
3 Indeed , the whole book inevitably paints a gloomy picture over the future for ex-Yugoslavia , particularly for minority populations caught up in nationalist disputes .
4 The overwhelming theme of the convention was the importance of party unity , and even the crucial debate over the future of Quebec failed to prove divisive , as had been widely anticipated .
5 These developments , together with a growing unwillingness by many of the English-speaking provinces to make special concessions to Quebec , caused serious doubt over the future of Canada 's current federal structure .
6 Similarly , the satisfaction he felt over the Jamaican excursion , with its intoxicating combination of deal-making , fun and the promise of profit , was somewhat dampened by the nagging uncertainty over the future of the Sex Pistols .
7 The owl is the focal point in a much larger battle over the future of the Pacific Northwest 's ancient forests of spruce and Douglas fir , located mainly on federal lands in Oregon and Washington .
8 The lines of division over political unity and economic integration versus association and cooperation had already been clarified and hardened in the previous debates over the future of Europe .
9 The unprecedented mass deportation by Israel of more than 400 Palestinians to Lebanon in December cast an air of deep pessimism over the future of the faltering Middle East peace talks .
10 But he and his colleagues have been frustrated by the continued delays over the future of the property .
11 FOOTBALL : Barnet players are seeking a meeting with chairman Stan Flashman after more speculation over the future of manager Barry Fry .
12 Doug Michels , now SCO 's official chief technology officer , reportedly had more control over the future of the company than he used to but is likewise more accountable , measured by what he delivers , they say .
13 I think it was very worthwhile and certainly on the road home , Densen Mafinyani had an opportunity to engage in considerable debate over the future of Africa !
14 Loggers , environmentalists and the timber industry are involved in a bitter and continuing dispute over the future of the Pacific Northwest 's most ancient forests .
15 The pages of ‘ Rural Wales ’ illustrate increasing concern over the future of the countryside and rural communities of Wales .
16 Nevertheless , at a time of ongoing negotiations over the future of US bases , the withdrawal opened an embarrassing diplomatic rift between the two countries .
17 The Korean War , perhaps , spared Anglo-American relations some difficult exchanges over the future of that island .
18 But the meetings and discussions also indicated that the British , after the defeat of the Axis , could find themselves exposed to American pressure over the future of the Empire , Imperial Preference and the Sterling Area .
19 At a special general meeting held in the Princess Beach Hotel and Casino , Curacao , by Netherlands Antilles , on 22 October 1990 , Cohere duly did just that and the whole battle over the future of Velcro was put on ice .
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