Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that he [vb mod] give " in BNC.

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1 He informed us in a haughty spirit that he would give my people thirty days to go back home , collect all their stock , and move to the reservation , saying , ‘ If you are not here in that time , I shall consider that you want to fight , and will send my soldiers to drive you on ’ .
2 I 'm a fool if I believe for one minute that he 'll give me a fair chance …
3 Commenting on Prost 's alleged statement that he would give Mansell half his salary if the Englishman would stay at Williams , Mansell said : ‘ Prost is full of s*** , The guy just tells so many porky pies . ’
4 The Divisional Court ordered that the applicant 's motion be allowed for a declaration that before asking questions relating to an offence with which a person under investigation had been charged the Director of the Serious Fraud Office had to inform that person that he was not obliged to answer such questions but that , if they were answered , what was said might only be used in evidence against that person where he was charged with knowingly or recklessly making a false or misleading statement or where the answer was inconsistent with any evidence that he might give at a later criminal trial .
5 Hence if a registered shareholder , A , first executes a transfer to a purchaser , B , and later to another , C , while both remain unregistered B will have priority over C. If , however , C succeeds in obtaining registration before B , he will have priority over B so long as he had no notice , at the time of purchase , of the transfer to B. If C did have notice , although he has been registered his prima facie title will not prevail over that of B who will be entitled to have the register rectified ( assuming that there are no grounds on which the company could refuse to register B ) and in the meantime C 's legal interest will be subject to the equitable interest of B. If both transfers were gifts , the position would presumably be different ; the gift to B would leave A without any beneficial interest that he could give to C and , not being a ‘ purchaser , ’ C could not obtain priority by registration ; his legal interest , on his becoming the registered holder , would be subject to the prior equity of B.
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