Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] prevent [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Not to thank you , I mean — and Rose — oh , dear … ’ and her face crumpled , but the steely resolution which lay beneath her outward charm prevented her from giving way to the hysterics which she knew would take her over if she allowed herself to show any weakness .
2 It may be that learners have internalized aspects of the system which for one reason or another they can not access on particular occasions , that circumstances of different kinds prevent them from acting on this knowledge .
3 His chart of appearances shows that he made full appearances for two seasons after joining us and only a broken collar-bone prevented him from making an even more impressive contribution towards our promotion to Division One in 1969–70 .
4 What in our political and cultural traditions prevent us from having a ‘ pro-people ’ health service — and society for that matter ?
5 Overcast ( oversewing ) is used to neaten raw edges to prevent them from fraying ( fig. 16 ) .
6 Nevertheless , on becoming prime minister after Craigavon 's death in 1940 , Andrews was also at sea , his loyalty to old colleagues preventing him from bringing in new men .
7 Theda blanched even paler , a wicked flash and an ominous rumble preventing her from hearing the curse that issued from Mr Beckenham 's lips .
8 Only simple embarrassment prevented her from correcting it .
9 Tears welled in her throat , blocking the passage of either protest or plea , and only years of hard-won control prevented her from giving way to them in front of fitzAlan .
10 At any rate such verses prevent us from supposing that only with modernism could fruitful contact with Virgil be resumed , or that late-Victorian Virgilianism was the perquisite of Alfred Lord Tennyson .
11 Billy was awarded a Benefit on Wednesday 15 April 1931 against the Combined Universities , but a knock in the League match on the previous Saturday prevented him from playing — so he appeared as linesman instead !
12 For instance , people have long known that squeezing lemon juice on sliced fruits prevents them from turning brown , but until recently it was not known why lemon juice has this effect .
13 This instinctive anti-Americanism was revealed most clearly during the Gulf War , in which the pretence that the Basic Law prevented them from sending troops was a mere figleaf for their initial failure to offer any political support to the American-led campaign ( Genscher remained silent for a week after the fighting began , although he and Kohl tried to make amends later ) and for their inexcusable prevarication about supporting Turkey in the event of an attack by Iraq .
14 If urgent circumstances prevent you from attending this course , please notify your own departmental training contact ( name below ) immediately .
15 Doubt may be ambiguous , an anomaly , an abnormal-normal , but the very kick-back in its double-edged nature prevents anyone from settling permanently in error .
16 Sadly , operational commitments prevented you from coming to the ‘ Open Day ’ and I will be pleased if you and Superintendent Pakes can attend this meeting , which will be held at our Riverside Headquarters in Keynsham , starting at 10.15 .
17 Only our deplorable ignorance of Carthaginian and Parthian jokes prevents us from assessing the local reactions to " pergraecari " , a word which Festus explains as " epulis et potationibus inservire " ( p. 235 L. ) .
18 If in that situation some consumers might reasonably be expected to rely on the misleading information , the trader commits an offence unless he has taken all reasonable steps to prevent them from doing so .
19 They found that he was not good in processions , for the curious roll prevented him from keeping ranks like the others .
20 However , his current commitments prevent him from giving time to the forum .
21 Season to taste with salt and white pepper , then cover the sauce with greaseproof paper to prevent it from forming a skin and allow it to cool completely .
22 Has he considered whether the western powers should purchase some of those warheads to prevent them from falling into the hands of non-nuclear powers that have no idea how to maintain or destroy them ?
23 In so far as its obstinate traditionalism prevented it from doing what political economy required , it had to be made to .
24 And the only way to prevent it from collapsing is to keep moving forward .
25 To this extent , Soviet foreign traders , who came late to the Latin American markets , may be disadvantaged in their competition with capitalist suppliers either because their own authorities prevent them from participating in the bidding for a project or because they can not mobilise the Soviet bureaucracy in time to meet deadlines .
26 It had been a very unhappy time for him , especially since he knew that his advancing years prevented him from getting a job as a carman .
27 1 Place the apples , cloves , sugar and lemon juice in a pan with just enough water to prevent them from sticking .
28 It does n't , but we were n't going to let our opposition to the territorial claim prevent us from talking . ’
29 I realised then how our own personal embarrassment and refusal to face up to our own mortality prevents us from behaving to others in a natural and human way .
30 The used pumps to prevent it from sinking .
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