Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that lie at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not only was the advent of computing perhaps rather longer and more protracted than in some other disciplines , but invariably it is the case that the very nature of computer application in history is rather different , and it is this difference that lies at the root of the oncoming problem .
2 It is this concept that lies at the back of R. P. A. Edwards ' attack on dial-access retrieval systems :
3 It is this conundrum that lies at the very heart of the Section 28 debate — not to mention Labour 's problems with it .
4 The other school of thought on hypnosis emphasises the special social situation that lies at the core of hypnosis .
5 Although the campaigns in which Mrs Whitehouse and her associates have been involved during this period may , on the surface , seem particularly disparate and eclectic , if one looks below the surface — as Tracey and Morrison have done particularly thoroughly — then it is the diminishing influence of the Church in moral issues that lies at the heart of NVALA action and concern .
6 This point is made not in the interests of pedantry , but because it bears directly on the criticisms of current approaches to the global system that lie at the heart of this book .
7 In his presidential address to the Society for the Study of Social Problems , Wheeler ( 1976 ) claimed that ‘ the patterns of illegal activity that lie at the core of large-scale corporate , industrial society … have been almost totally neglected ’ .
8 I suspect that if we were to take a sensate tension structure such as the love-hate paradox that lies at the heart of Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet theme , we would be able to transpose it into different forms each appropriate to a particular culture , and , provided we had the necessary skill of course , we would be able to do this for all cultures in the world .
9 He must think in terms of thousand upon thousand of repetitions when practising a particular kata , for only through constant repetition will he be able to master the basic fighting movements and to achieve the physical and spiritual sensitivity that lies at the heart of the martial arts .
10 THE NOBEL Prize for physics has been awarded to three scientists who developed ultra-precise techniques that lie at the heart of modern atomic clocks .
11 Not only does Dame Sirith advertise her professional ability to repeat the trick , or to obtain for a man the woman he wants in the way he wants , and thus anticipate her ability to star in an extended series of fabliaux that the poet may tell , but the language and prosody convey certain points that lie at the heart of the fabliau perspective .
12 It is the attempt to examine some of these interdisciplinary intersections that lies at the heart of this text .
13 The plasterwork has peeled to reveal the red sandstone underneath ; and in places that sandstone has in turn crumbled away to reveal the intricate brickwork that lies at the core of the structure .
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