Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] who 'd [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 If teachers only got paid for pupils passing their exams , there are some pupils who 'd never get any education at all .
2 Cregar might lounge in silk pajamas and stuff himself with Parisian chocolates , but he was still a supporting heavy , a cringing underling who 'd never last at the top of the criminal tree .
3 I hope the work will be interesting , I was a bit disappointed not to have the chance to tackle my own book as the main editor at last but of course one does n't want to rock the boat too much — there are too many people who 'd happily fill my shoes .
4 If you 're one of those people who 'd rather err on the safe side , the best advice is to avoid meat products which use scraps from cattle bones , such as pate and some cheap sausages .
5 ‘ Occasionally it was a bit hairy dealing with new Directors who 'd just come off the course , so I liked to balance things by including a few established stalwarts , like Christopher Barry , whom I could rely on to be very efficient and get shows together on time .
6 I mean actually decentralizing the power , by having groups of Ward Councillors , on an area basis , actually having the power decentralized to them and having open meetings in various parts of the City where you 've got the nine or twelve Councillors from three or four wards who 'd actually have a lot of power delegated to them , and so we would try and put power downwards .
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