Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb mod] not [be] considered " in BNC.

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1 In Chapter One , it was stressed that crime can not be considered aside from its social context , that it is dependent on society defining certain actions as criminal , and on the reaction of others to such actions .
2 This question can not be considered separately from the issue of how ‘ needs ’ for different kinds of support vary between generations and , for an individual , across a lifetime , and how both of these vary historically .
3 They argue that even if male clerical workers can not be considered proletarian because of their upward mobility , this is not true of female clerks .
4 Well , I think all I can do is to reiterate that this road would not be considered for construction at all at this stage if it was n't for the probable re-siting of the erm transfer station and therefore we would not be looking at any aspect of it at this time if it were not for that .
5 However , this matter can not be considered resolved and may well be central to future development of our understanding of wall flows .
6 Functions of personal social services can not be considered , however , in isolation from the values which underpin the political , economic , and social systems , from which welfare departments derive their legitimacy .
7 Our point is that a popular movement such as the peace movement carries within itself a notion of a just society and that law can not be considered merely as a ‘ tool ’ isolated from broader political and social considerations .
8 ‘ From the case cited [ Morgan v. Palmer , 2 B. & C. 729 ] in the course of the argument it is shown that the principle has been laid down that , where one exacts money from another and it turns out that although acquiesced in for years such exaction is illegal , the money may be recovered as money had and received , since such payment could not be considered as voluntary so as to preclude its recovery .
9 However , the causal influence of such characteristics can not be considered by itself , and must be investigated in the context of particular societies .
10 The Court of Appeal held , however , that there was no partnership in existence , since no business was being carried on by the defendant and X ; on the contrary , the goods had been ordered in preparation for the formation of a company , and such transactions could not be considered as ‘ carrying on a business ’ .
11 Earlier sections of this chapter have indicated the existence of recent , major changes within manufacturing in the UK economy , in the geography of manufacturing and in uneven development more widely ( for uneven development can not be considered only in relation to manufacturing — and later chapters will add to this wider picture ) .
12 Admittedly , a No from the Bosnian Serbs should not be considered as an unequivocal , irreversible rejection of the peace plan , any more than a Yes should have been regarded as a wholehearted acceptance of it .
13 Although these studies , derived from psychology and psychoanalysis , show little concern with the specific nature of the culture within which socialization occurs , the detailing of the process itself strongly reinforces the argument that the human subject can not be considered outside of the material world within which and through which it is constructed .
14 And the human species can not be considered to be eternal either , as we know it did not always exist in its present form , nor can we expect it to have an infinite existence .
15 Cuban officials had made clear that these spoiled or blank ballots would not be considered valid and so did not affect the election .
16 This reaction attributed evolution to pure chance and held the opinion that complex animals could not be considered better adapted to their environments than more lowly forms : all represented degrees of specialization .
17 As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented , these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal mortality .
18 The history of the medical management of neural tube defects indicates that developmental abnormalities should not be considered an irreducible component of human disease .
19 It is also worth noting that efficiency should not be considered until the effectiveness is proven , the procedure could be doing the wrong thing in an extremely efficient manner .
20 This indicates that if the court 's desire is to protect the public from persons who take vehicles without the owner 's consent , that is by a sense of general deterrence , then this particular criterion of the Criminal Justice Act will not be applicable The question posed for the courts must be whether taking a vehicle without consent can ever , as an individual offence , be so serious that a non-custodial sentence can not be considered .
21 Medical students from other Medical Schools can not be considered unless there are extenuating reasons .
22 Adverse meteorological conditions should not be considered the fundamental cause of smogs since high concentrations of pollution would not arise unless the general level or baseline of pollution in the urban atmosphere was relatively high anyway : there is a limit to the peak pollution value that the atmosphere can produce .
23 Surgical inexperience can not be considered as an explanationfor the high failure as rebleeding was noted in all three centres and in each centre the operations were carried either directly or under the close supervision of a highly experienced hepatobiliary surgeon .
24 The merits of the respective arguments will not be considered until Chapter 10 .
25 Nevertheless , they counter that the physical environment should not be considered a constant , even over the relatively short period of agricultural settlement in Great Britain , in part because of climatic change and its consequences , in part because of changes wrought by land use practices , and in part because of changed perceptions of the environment ; see also Prince ( 1971 ) , and Blaikie and Brookfield ( 1987 ) .
26 The difference is double the increase in the number of abortions , and one abortion can not be considered to ‘ prevent ’ one live birth — a ratio of 3:1 is often assumed .
27 That is not to stay that long-term objectives should not be considered in addition to the escape strategy that is being worked upon .
28 However , an environment in which people can not sleep adequately because of excessive noise can not be considered a safe environment .
29 Nevertheless , green manuring should not be considered as a means of stimulating quick plant growth .
30 Freedom of movement between the two countries and the rights of citizens in both countries were to be guaranteed ; Czech citizens would not be considered foreigners in Slovakia and vice versa .
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