Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb base] been responsible for " in BNC.

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1 As will be seen in Chapter 6 , however , some of these isolates have been responsible for many of the revolutionary advances in scientific knowledge .
2 Whilst scholars debate how far economic changes have been responsible for breaking up these traditional arrangements , there is evidence that the idea persists that this form of joint household is an ideal which people would put into practice if they could ( Benedict , 1976 ) .
3 From the perspective of the Soviet élite , ‘ Socialist construction ’ , centralisation and Five-Year plans have been responsible for raising a backward country to a world power .
4 Our surgical orthopaedic tradition and our professionally qualified consultants have been responsible for the design of thousands of OBAS ( single and double ) beds to specifications dictated by weight , shape and medical history of each of our customers , including doctors ' diagnosis , where known .
5 And lastly , but by no means least , are the tsunami effects , vast tidal waves usually generated by undersea earthquakes : those tsunami have been responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people at a time when they struck low-lying coastal areas . ’
6 Conservative Governments have been responsible for all major environmental legislation .
7 Perhaps part of the problem is that far too much has been expected of positivist criminology or , alternatively , positivist criminologists have been responsible for fostering too grandiose expectations .
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