Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pers pn] is sometimes [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 If the first derivative of the property-temperature curve is measured , a change in the vicinity of T g is found ; for this reason it is sometimes called a second-order transition .
2 For this reason it is sometimes called the delocalisation enthalpy , resonance energy or stabilisation energy .
3 Talabheim lies in the centre of the Great Forest and for this reason it is sometimes known as the Eye of the Forest , where , like the eye of a cyclone , all is calm amidst the danger all around .
4 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
5 ( d ) The hybrid situation It is sometimes agreed between the parties to a marriage that the matrimonial home ( or the husband 's interest therein ) be transferred to the wife and a third party ( eg a new husbandsee Chapter 5 ) .
6 Sometimes an observant parent will notice something that will give us a clue ; after a child recovers from one of those high fevers that ‘ lay it very low ’ for a short time it is sometimes seen that the child is more ‘ well ’ than before it became ‘ ill ’ , provided the illness has not been inappropriately treated or interfered with in some way .
7 ( b ) Counternotices Where the initiator of the review is required to specify the proposed new rent it is sometimes provided that the figure so specified shall be the new rent unless the other party serves a counternotice within a given period .
8 In other countries it is sometimes seen in dogs imported from endemic regions Gross : They are readily recognised on the basis of size ( 1.0-2.0 cm ) , being much smaller than the common ascarid nematodes which are also found in the small intestine , and by their characteristic " hook " posture .
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