Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun] in the corner " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They are buried in paupers ’ graves beneath the old elm tree in the corner of the churchyard .
2 His large oak chair in the corner was sacred , and the words that he uttered from that privileged seat were truly spoken ex cathedra .
3 which is what I , I , in the I had Eric Bristow and Maureen one night , and , I mean , it was just little dart board in the corner , but what I did was , I had a big screen like that and I just got student television service just to film it live and just throw it straight back up onto the big
4 We got out of the coach and walked through the gates to the stares of those gathered on the gravel , and over to a low metal hut in the corner of the compound where we were ordered to go inside and sit down in silence .
5 The ancient grandfather clock in the corner chimed ten times .
6 A shallow stone sink in the corner where Rose unbuttoned the front of her dress to wash herself .
7 There was a full drinks cupboard in the corner .
8 From the early hours of the morning the unfortunate mali could be seen labouring away , pouring with sweat — despite the heat he still insisted in wearing his thick serge uniform — as he constructed a sort of miniature Mount Fuji in the corner of the front lawn .
9 ‘ Quits , ’ she said cheerfully , and carried the copper kettle to the brass tap let into the front of the water tank which sat in the big iron stove alongside the kitchen fire , and ran the hot water into it before she set it not on the fire , but on a small gas ring in the corner , lighting the gas with a match from a box of Swan Vestas .
10 Roping up , we moved together for 200 to 300 feet to the foot of the first big ice pitch in the corner system .
11 After a few touch-and-goes I was able to clean-up slickly : throttles carefully forward a couple of inches at main-wheel touch ( no automatic fuel control below 16,000 rpm ) , hold the nose-wheel an inch or two off the tarmac and retract the airbrakes ( thumb switch up for speed-up ) , a bit more throttle , flaps to fifteen ( toggle switch on side console forward — do n't even contemplate touching that too-obtrusive up-and-down flap-shaped undercarriage selector in the corner of you eye on the panel ahead ) , more power , the roar deepens with a steady push from behind , glance at the ASI , full throttle , speed building through ninety , rotate , positive climb , gear up , speed 120 , flaps up speed 170 , crank on the bank and we are downwind again .
12 ‘ Well , there 's the lav and the 'andbasin that 's on the landin' , ’ said Mrs Beavis , ‘ but you got your own gas ring in the corner there .
13 Then , when the rice and meat were ready , Mina fetched some pots of river-water from the big copper container in the corner and everyone washed their hands where they were sitting round the fire .
14 Taking up the big garden fork in the corner , she went straight out again .
15 A little of the festive warmth seemed to die out of the air as they took their places around the low coffee table in the corner of the great hangar .
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