Example sentences of "[verb] sure [conj] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Warning : when working on the soil stack , make sure that no-one inside the house empties a basin or flushes the WC .
2 So what what they 're actually saying is that here is a formal training that will make sure that everybody at the , who goes on this course , comes away with a measure of having achieved those skills because th the course itself is formed of two parts .
3 He closed the album carefully , making sure that none of the loosened pages could fall out and give him away .
4 Our God is a communicator ; we see that in a supreme way in His gift of Jesus — but in this passage it is clear that God wanted to make sure that everyone in the land could understand the seriousness of the problem .
5 And that is why we are now taking this direct route of saying , that policy and resources , as the policy making body of this council , should have some input to make sure that we in the planning committee are not the situation on a planning application when instead we deal with the moral issue of turning away people who need homes .
6 She paused and peered down the rocky road to make sure that none of the children who lived in the lower houses had followed her .
7 To make sure that none of the macho details went to waste , the full , inside story of Washington 's awesome display of military prowess was entrusted to Steven Emerson of US News & World Report , who had shown in the past that he knew how to treat a government ‘ scoop ’ with respect , and who could be relied upon to resist the kind of sceptical impulse that sometimes afflicts reporters with a wider readership .
8 The bald man looked around to make sure that none of the ‘ businessmen ’ were in earshot .
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