Example sentences of "[verb] come [adv prt] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Junkers has come up with an ecological alternative to worktops made from tropical hardwoods .
2 Ernst & Young in the US has come up with an interesting new way to reduce overheads , according to the Public Accounting Report .
3 Thomson-CSF SA has come up with an undisclosed sum to buy the company as a present for Alsys SA , the company sold to Thomson by Ada only begetter Jean Ichbiah in September 1991 .
4 The city of Budapest has come up with an imaginative solution to the problem of where to put over forty years worth of statues , sculptures and monuments dedicated to the heroes and events of communism .
5 Providing something that is high on most corporate users ' wish lists , Hewlett-Packard Co has come up with an SQL-based interface that can read and update data in a non-relational network database , and reckons it is the first vendor to do so .
6 Unisys Corp has come out with an enhanced version of its one-year-old Open/OLTP on-line transaction processing environment , which uses Unix System Labs Inc 's Tuxedo TP monitor .
7 The other , Bath and England B star Audley Lumsden , is just lucky to have his chance , having come back from an horrific , career-threatening broken neck .
8 Charles and Elizabeth seem to have come up with an intelligent expedient : they would give the boy two Christian names — the first Frome Titford ever to enjoy this luxury — and he could be called ‘ William Charles ’ after his uncle/godfather and father respectively , though they would actually use the name ‘ Charles ’ in everyday conversation .
9 The young ( you can see it in their faces ) , the stegosaurus rugged no-hopers , the parrot-crested blankies — they 've come up with an appropriate response to this , which is : nothing .
10 Now talk some more and let me hear whether you 've come back with an American accent . "
11 The fact that the burns had come about in an unforeseeable way did not render the damage too remote .
12 Electro-acoustic technology being one of the main battlegrounds in the acoustic guitar war , respected US makers Guild have come up with an all-new pickup to accompany their all-new range of guitars .
13 Employing those conceptions , we can ask how we can know that we have succeeded in referring to anything , and how we can know that we have come up with an accurate description of what we have referred to .
14 There 's nothing more romantic than mother nature herself and Schwarzkopf have come up with an exciting new product for colouring hair — the natural way .
15 Together with American businessman David A Gold and technical experts from West Germany , they have come up with an exciting new development for hair .
16 EFFORTS to improve atomic clocks have come up against an unexpected hurdle .
17 He 's come up with an organic binder which makes it possible to turn the left-over dust into briquettes which burn for two and half hours .
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