Example sentences of "[verb] within a [adj] period of " in BNC.

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1 Unlike a probation order , which was not regarded as a sentence of the Court , a suspended sentence ranked not merely as a sentence , but as a sentence of imprisonment , with a condition attached which activated the element of custodial confinement only if another offence was committed within a stated period of not less than one year nor more than two ( originally three ) years .
2 A takeover bid must be accepted within a certain period of time , namely not less than four weeks but not more than ten weeks from the date of when the offer document is made public .
3 Where a ’ token ’ start is made on site , the local planning authority may serve a completion notice advising that the planning consent will be revoked if the development is not completed within a defined period of not less than one year .
4 Any limitation on the suspension of rent should be resisted unless there is included in the lease a clause allowing surrender where the premises are not reinstated within a given period of time .
5 These definitions enable us to say quite categorically that a household 's expenditure on food is consumption — the food will be eaten within a short period of time and that will be an end of the matter .
6 Similar arguments would seem applicable were proceedings in the English courts to be stayed on the basis of forum non conveniens , the injunction continuing subject to proceedings in the alternative forum being commenced within a prescribed period of time .
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