Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun] [conj] held [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 . ’ Her words were cut off when his mouth covered hers , but when she clawed at him , one of his hands caught her wrists and held them and in a voice such as he had never used before , a deep moaning voice , he said , ‘ It 'll be all right .
2 He caught her hand and held it fast , his fingers tightening as she hesitated .
3 But he caught her hand and held it .
4 He caught her arm and held it hard .
5 Lydia sucked her finger and held it up .
6 Isabel lowered her hands and held them out to him in an invitation that was as ancient as womanhood .
7 Love and pride shone from her enormous black eyes as , ever tender , she lifted her grandson and held him against her grubby sweater for a long moment before returning him to his crib .
8 Guido poured her wine and held it out to her .
9 Then he kissed her hand and held it close to his chest .
10 Nick reached across the table , took her hand and held it for a moment .
11 He took her hand and held it tenderly and they both smiled as Mitch at Maggie 's side muttered ,
12 Geoffrey took her hand and held it , stroking it gently as if she was a child .
13 Louisa stepped on to the ice , crossed her hands and held them out to her escorts .
14 His strong hand cupped her fist and held it .
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