Example sentences of "[verb] to the edge of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hugh , who had been reading about the dangers of having a smoker as a cohabitee , waved his handkerchief through the air and moved to the edge of the terrace .
2 It is clear that during the past twenty years developmental psychologists have come to the edge of a vast array of structural processes in the development of the mind , and an exciting era of experimental research has begun .
3 Before he expected , his feet met blocks of stone , and he realised that he had come to the edge of the great sprawling tip of the infill .
4 We rode like the wind and by ten o'clock had come to the edge of the forest of Zenda .
5 The radial shields are large and contiguous or nearly so in spinea while they are quite small , usually separated and confined to the edge of the disk in hamula. 3 .
6 As the acrid smoke cleared , the Marines advanced , keeping to the edges of the doorway , which was not locked , the mechanism apparently having jammed .
7 Keeping it raised above his head , he staggered to the edge of the grassy bank and dropped the craft on to the surface of the clear water .
8 I would have liked to creep to the edge of the podium and disappear .
9 Illustrations that spread to the edge of the paper without margins are referred to as ‘ bled off ’ .
10 For example , some were moved to the edges of the older urban cores as a result of the construction of peripheral public-housing schemes in the 1960s and early 1970s .
11 They came to the edge of the moors and turned down a steep track towards the beach .
12 Following a path eastwards through the heather , we came to the edge of the heath land , where silver birches had invaded the bracken .
13 Viktor came to the edge of the bed .
14 To her astonishment he came to the edge of the balcony and simply climbed across , ignoring the drop .
15 The provost came to the edge of the scaffold , unrolled a parchment and read the sentences of death .
16 Without waiting for her answer , Guy Sterne straightened up , strolled to the edge of the pool , and dived effortlessly into the turquoise water .
17 In recent months the deepening troubles of Eastern Europe have been pushed to the edge of the world 's stage by the Gulf crisis .
18 Voices were suddenly raised over in the crowd and people began scattering to the edges of the area , clearing the centre and falling silent .
19 She inches to the edge of the bed , he follows ; she lies on her back , his hand attempts to part her furiously dry lips ; she wraps herself in the sheet , the tense warmth of his body suffocates her doubly ; she leaps up and goes to the lavatory , he watches her through the glass wall .
20 I 've struggled to the edge of the navigable world in my Argo to find the golden fruits of the setting sun , and now I 've found them and they 're guarded by maidens .
21 They had perhaps three hundred yards to cover to the edge of the encampment ; and as they neared this it dawned on Ramsay that , of all things , the enemy had placed their horse-lines here at this western rim of their cantonment .
22 It caused him to scuttle to the edge of the path and roll into a ball . ’
23 Cleo scampered to the edge of the clearing and looked back .
24 She buttoned up , put on her shorts , slung her bag over her shoulder and walked to the edge of the sea , then back again .
25 He walked to the edge of the shelf .
26 After a couple of minutes he gave up the attempt , left the tool box by the cottage wall and walked to the edge of the cliff then slithered down to the beach .
27 Newman and Copland walked to the edge of the entrance , a grenade silencing one post a mere 25 yards away ; over the water the searchlight of the Mole could be seen beamed on the river .
28 They walked to the edge of the tranquil water where Christina wrapped her long , slim legs around him , and they made love with the warm Caribbean lapping over them .
29 She walked to the edge of the terrace and leaned on the balustrade , looking out over Florence .
30 With Lady Monmouth by his side , he walked to the edge of the forest where the men were shooting at birds and small animals .
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