Example sentences of "[verb] to be kept [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Boat traffic needs to be kept at modest levels in order to protect one of Britain 's most outstanding botanical treasures .
2 No one wants to project an image of schools as humourless places , a balance needs to be kept between frivolous and serious stories .
3 Scientists have been trying for years to realize the potential of hydrogen , but they have been thwarted by the problem of storing the gas , which is highly explosive and needs to be kept in high-pressure containers .
4 The Germans intensified and brutalized their methods of interrogation until it was quite usual for a prisoner who refused to talk to be kept in solitary confinement under intentionally unpleasant conditions for weeks .
5 these proposals we regard as doing no more than initiating a programme of family welfare which will have to be kept under continuous review and modified and expanded in the light of experience and deeper knowledge .
6 True scientific investigation always revealed the workings of divine law , and the medical profession needed to be kept under constant surveillance , because their narrow commitment to materialistic principles overlooked moral considerations .
7 Although some of his referees had said he was ‘ extremely zealous ’ and needed to be kept within specific guidelines , at the time , that had struck Shaughnessy as a commendation rather than a reservation .
8 The bridges are meant to be kept in good repair .
9 She proved to be the Glisseuse , a rather shabby forty foot motor cruiser , difficult to see on Venturous ' radar , so that much of the time she had to be kept at visual distance , especially as she approached the busy traffic lanes of the Thames .
10 They did not come near Lucie , Izzie or Gabriel , and had to be kept from starving with little presents of food left furtively on their threshold .
11 Although weak , the baby was basically healthy , but she had to be kept in intensive care for the first few weeks .
12 As many fonts also have Semi or Demi , not to mention Extra and Heavy versions these still need to be kept as multiple families , so reducing the number of unique ID numbers .
13 Boots and shoes need to be kept in good repair , otherwise they are a potential hazard to the wearer .
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