Example sentences of "[verb] a [adj] reduction in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The effect will be that by the year 2000 nuclear energy should overtake oil as France 's main fuel , with oil consumption falling by 26% , representing a considerable reduction in the cost of importing energy .
2 Even though workers are prepared to accept a general reduction in the level of real wages , they are unwilling to take the first step of accepting money wage cuts in case other workers with whom they regard themselves as comparable fail to follow suit .
3 He refused to allow the party access to his fund , and partly for this reason the Liberals were forced to accept a drastic reduction in the number of candidatures , from 513 in 1929 to 112 in 1931 , The condition of the Liberals was far more serious than that of Labour , for the Liberal party was beginning to lose its sense of identity and purpose ( and has still not fully recovered it ) .
4 Libertarians want a drastic reduction in the interventions of the state , not only in the economy but also as a social regulator , so that opportunities for both personal choice and the free-market economy are maximized .
5 Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke wants a drastic reduction in the number of forces in England and Wales .
6 Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke wants a drastic reduction in the number of individual forces in England and Wales .
7 In a further study of the platelet-aggregate ratio in diabetic subjects , Preston et al found a significant reduction in the diabetic group and this was due mainly to those diabetics with evidence of microvascular complications ( Preston et al , 1978 ) .
8 However , such strategies have perhaps become less important for the very high income earners who , in recent years , have enjoyed a large reduction in the taxes they have had to pay following the reduction in the high rates of income tax since 1979 : for example , in real terms , those earning over £400 per week take home on average an extra £55 more in 1986 then they did in 1979 .
9 Which states erm the strategy envisag envisages a progressive reduction in the rate of the population growth from this source , as the supply of housing land is reduced to levels more closely related to the needs arising from North Yorkshire .
10 The temperature change would bring a marked reduction in the biodiversity of Tibetan Alpine ecosystems , and hundreds of thousands of hectares of the east China plains would be flooded if sea levels rose by half a metre , a change which would place the country 's major coastal cities at risk .
11 Less severe was the Glu-251 mutation ( E 251 A ) which caused a lesser reduction in the amount of phosphorylation by the DNA-PK .
12 Treatment with metronidazole caused a significant reduction in the mean daily blood loss from 2.6 ( 1.6 ) ml/day to 0.9 ( 0.5 ) ml/ day ( p<0.01 ) , ( N<1 ml/day , mean ( SD ) 0.2 ( 0.1 ) ml/day ) .
13 To his influence and actions may be attributed a significant reduction in the population living in cellars and other ‘ unhealthy dwellings ’ and a general improvement in environmental hygiene .
14 The logarithm of odds ratio for mortality ( figure 1 ) showed a significant reduction in the mortality rate in the polychemotherapy group at 3 months .
15 He will be pleased to know that the latest report of the railway inspectorate on railway safety showed a modest reduction in the number of collisions between passenger trains in 1990 compared with the previous year .
16 This was no mere cyclical event : it effected a permanent reduction in the relative economic importance of manufacturing , the male worker and the North .
17 These simple changes will make a significant reduction in the fat content of your diet .
18 The recent Lipid Research Clinics primary prevention programme ( Lipid Research Clinics Program , 1984 ) , in support of other studies ( Dayton et al , 1969 ; Committee of Principal Investigators , 1978 ) has demonstrated a significant reduction in the incidence of all coronary artery disease events among patients in whom serum cholesterol was effectively reduced using a combination of diet and cholestyramine .
19 Second , a large reduction in UK emissions might not create a large reduction in the pollution deposited in foreign countries .
20 It also drew a graphic picture of the continuing loss of agricultural land , estimated at 144,000 acres a year , which if continued ‘ would imply a substantial reduction in the available agricultural land ’ .
21 In terms of laser energy required to control symptoms ( excluding initial recanalisation ( Table III ) ) there was also a dramatic reduction in the figures per month required before and after radiotherapy indicating a corresponding reduction in the regrowth rate of intraluminal tumour bulk ( <0.001 ) .
22 This issue had been a major stumbling block , as any equalization of representation almost inevitably meant a relative reduction in the current number of seats held by the country 's most heavily populated provinces , Ontario and Quebec .
23 This issue had been a major stumbling block , as any equalization of representation almost inevitably meant a relative reduction in the current number of seats held by the country 's most heavily populated provinces , Ontario and Quebec .
24 There was , furthermore , the genuinely felt constitutional issue that planning by experts could mean a major reduction in the power of the Cabinet and Parliament .
25 If money wage negotiations took place at a highly centralized level , with trades union leaders bargaining over the general level of wages , workers should be indifferent as between reductions in W and increases in P in effecting a given reduction in the real wage rate .
26 It is to gain authority from the Poetics for his " bourgeois tragedy " ( bürgerliches Trauerspiel ) by arguing that with the reduction in the social standing of the characters of his plays must come a corresponding reduction in the intensity of the emotions displayed by them and the reversals of fortune that they experience .
27 This is that the strategy of the structure plan from the beginning was to seek a progressive reduction in the rate of house-building in the county by seeking a progressive excuse me .
28 A WOMAN waiting for surgery has reacted angrily to figures showing a massive reduction in the number of people waiting more than two years for hospital treatment .
29 Remote storage , with rudimentary heating , lighting and shelving , permits a considerable reduction in the costs of housing stock , whilst sacrificing the facility of immediate access .
30 The development strategy adopted in the Greater York study never envisaged that the settlement , or the district that got the new settlement would therefore get a corresponding reduction in the amount of land it had to provide to meet the needs of the Greater York area , the strategy we use to identify sites within the Greater York area that could be developed without compromising greenbelt objectives , and that the new settlement would be added on outside that area without a reduction in that that figure .
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