Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] do [not/n't] wish " in BNC.

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1 Conservative Members say that they do not wish to pursue people or insist that their will should be enforced .
2 Yesterday afternoon we parted in such love and friendship — and now — now — you say that you do not wish to marry me !
3 In 1989 , Lloyds Bank , the firm 's landlords in Newport , announced that they did not wish to renew the lease on the Newport office .
4 The following intimated that they did not wish to stand for re-election , Dr F. Neave , Mrs S. Peterson , Mrs V. Hawkins , G. Espin , A. Mack .
5 Aylwin , however , stated that he did not wish to accept such an offer , nor did he feel that it was justified , given that he had agreed to be elected for a four-year period and that to alter the term of office ( by amending the Constitution ) " would be to change the rules of play of our democratic co-existence " .
6 " There 's that Gedge boy wants you , " Mrs Blakey said in a puzzled way on each occasion , and on each occasion they replied that they did n't wish to see him .
7 Each replied that he did not wish to see him without consulting his solicitor as the depositions had been taken and it was understood that nothing further was required other than a date to be set for the trial .
8 Richard Wilcock indicated that he did not wish to be considered for the new Editor position but continued to perform admirably and responsibly until another Editor had been installed .
9 Wolfgang Gläser was elected chair instead of Günter Hartmann ( elected on Nov. 2 — see p. 37024 ) , but resigned three days later , saying that he did not wish to be identified with the right-wing of the party .
10 But you see one other person who was there last night was at one time involved with a major , no longer major Scottish company which did all its substantial charitable giving anonymously once a year through its lawyers because they decided that they did not wish to be publicly associated with any particular thing and then the representative from John Lewis said last night
11 I shall be pleased to give way if the Minister wishes to provide some reassurance on the matter , but it appears that he does not wish to do so .
12 This is a procedure like Swift 's , except that Leapor is staking her claim to real dignity ; she asserts that she does not wish to be valued for beauty , but for her wit and , as we glean from other poems , her morals .
13 My hon. Friend will realise that I do not wish to mislead him and that the setting of discounts for single people is a matter of judgment .
14 It is not entirely clear whether touching is a battery , where the victim has indicated that he does not wish to be touched .
15 Having said that he would be specific about six to 16 months , the Minister then said that he does not wish to use specific time periods when discussing the matter .
16 The hon. Gentleman said that he did not wish to criticise the personnel involved in the administration of the schemes .
17 He said that he did not wish to block the legal process , however , and asked the government to find " a legal solution in which the need of the good functioning of parliamentary democracy can be reconciled with the right of the King not to act in violation of his conscience " .
18 And how are we to make alliances with those women or are we to say that we do not wish to do so until they 've gone through a greater degree of learning process .
19 Had she merely stated that she did not wish to have a baby , she would have been considered failing in what she saw as her role in life .
20 ‘ I can well imagine that you do not wish to leave here until you have proof .
21 On many occasions I have heard environmentalists say that they do not wish to be ‘ tarred by the same brush ’ which has so comprehensively covered some extremists in the Animal Rights Movement and which has brought that movement into disrepute .
22 A person who is tested at a STD clinic may also expressly say that they do not wish their GP to know about it , which may be important later if the GP is ever asked to write a medical report about that person .
23 However , a written consent is not needed in the case of a customer outside the UK if the firm reasonably believes that he does not wish to give written consent ; the firm must keep a record of its reasons .
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