Example sentences of "[verb] through a period [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever we suffer a major loss in our lives — such as the death of a loved one , divorce , redundancy , miscarriage , children leaving home , or the end of a love affair — we need to go through a period of mourning .
2 From the president down , the policymakers have always appreciated that Germany was bound to go through a period of introversion .
3 Finally , you may expect her to go through a period of depression when she is ceasing to try to avoid the reality of her loss .
4 He acknowledges his indebtedness to Tolstoy and maintains that at the time of reading the book he was passing through a period of doubt and scepticism .
5 Consumers were going through a period of retrenchment after the boom years of the 1980s .
6 Swedish industry went through a period of instability , due partly to the loss of important export/import markets in eastern Europe and partly to labour difficulties .
7 I went through a period of depression erm I 'd been attending the doctor I 'd been told that I was suffering from various illnesses , but nothing helped .
8 In the early part of 1991 , before all this occurred , I went through a period of time when my find rate dropped drastically and on many occasions I went out and came back home with nothing at all .
9 The received BBC wisdom was that young people went through a period of obsession with rock and pop , but that as ‘ sanity and maturity ’ prevailed , they would graduate ‘ like their elders ’ to light , popular music .
10 Reptilian blood systems go through a period of self-adjustment permitting the conservation of heat as required , and allowing the creatures to distribute it when needed .
11 As well as these individual homework tasks , all clients , whether phobic or non-phobic , carry out the relaxation exercises , and go through a period of self-monitoring of their levels of anxiety .
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