Example sentences of "[verb] it [adv] clear that [art] " in BNC.

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1 But they have made it perfectly clear that the council is prepared to fight for compensation if the companies it holds responsible do not pay up .
2 I can not comment on the evidence , but the Lord Advocate has made it extremely clear that the criminal proceedings are the result of an extremely brilliant , thorough and painstaking investigation by the Scottish police services and their colleagues , to whom I also pay tribute .
3 ‘ We 've made it quite clear that no award will be made unless we 're absolutely satisfied that the problem of retuning has been probably addressed .
4 Kate was curiously fascinating , but mixed in with the fascination was a sort of fear ; and over the last few months she had made it quite clear that the less she had to do with him , the better she would like it .
5 The Government have made it absolutely clear that a statutory register of council taxpayers is not required .
6 Or he could follow the Germans , who have duly provided him with an excuse for higher base rates at next week 's party conference — but have also made it abundantly clear that the Bundesbank is the dominant monetary authority in Europe , and our much-vaunted independence is so much poppy-cock .
7 I have made it abundantly clear that the licences of the regional electricity companies require them to purchase from the cheapest suppliers .
8 Then there will be some situations in which central government has made it very clear that the policy initiative rests with the local agency , by permitting activities if they so wish .
9 According to Barney Holbeche , Parliamentary adviser for the NFU , which negotiated some of the concessions , the new law will also make it quite clear that the ministry can not unreasonably refuse a licence .
10 Until this legacy is tackled we believe MPG6 should make it absolutely clear that no new permissions should be granted , for to do so merely puts off the evil day when the problem of old permissions has to be confronted .
11 Until this legacy is tackled we believe MPG6 should make it absolutely clear that no new permissions should be granted , for to do so merely puts off the evil day when the problem of old permissions has to be confronted .
12 Well can we make it absolutely clear that no settlement , anywhere , er in North Yorkshire , or in York and Humberside probably is self contained .
13 The announcement a week ago that the company was seeking new equity financing made it pretty clear that the end was nigh for Littleton , Massachusetts-based massively parallel systems builder Alliant Computer Systems Corp , and the company announced last week that the boom has fallen when it fired all but 50 of its 225 employees and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection .
14 He had , after all , made it very clear that the Germans would never give up the Deutsche Mark unless what they got in return was just as good .
15 We had some very , very moving speeches yesterday , as we had had at previous meetings , which made it quite clear that a few pounds were vital and crucial to people 's lives , so we thought it was a a gesture that was worth making , and I have to say that probably our group also includes people on , as members , as Councillors , who are themselves on income support , so it was a move which was n't without it 's personal difficulties for us either .
16 At the press conference at the end of his visit , Mikoian made it quite clear that the Soviet Union did not want a show-down with the United States over Cuba ( Dinerstein : 1962 , p. 69 ) .
17 In that interim period of that work the draft P P G three came out , and made it quite clear that the new settlement would have to lie without beyond the outer edge of the greenbelt , and that was a fur a further consideration .
18 Representatives of the NAC met the Guild Council on 21 October and made it quite clear that the NAC could not continue to recognize the Guild as the youth section of the Party if it retained sympathetic affiliation to the Young Communist International .
19 He did not mention , however , that his answer on the same occasion made it absolutely clear that the proposed regimental cuts would proceed irrespective of the findings of the Defence Select Committee report .
20 Is he aware that the Church was totally taken in , and everyone in Sri Lanka in the end made it absolutely clear that the man was bogus ?
21 The answer on this subject that I gave in November made it perfectly clear that the decision is mine and nobody else 's .
22 The hon. Member for Hornchurch ( Mr. Squire ) and the Secretary of State made it perfectly clear that the Government believe that the fairest and best means of raising local government finance is through a property tax .
23 I sat down with LIFE and worked through their philosophy , erm in line with our own as it were , and they agreed , and I would ask them to agree this year that any paperwork or any leaflets they distribute make it very clear that a choice remains for a woman in terms of whether or not she should have an abortion , because LIFE is fairly , yes , Michael ?
24 I believe that those provisions make it abundantly clear that the penalties that will be visited upon those who attempt to corrupt youth will be stern and relentless .
25 His writings prior to departure make it abundantly clear that the image of the USSR firmly implanted in his mind was that of a country in full post-revolutionary expansion engaged in the construction of a new society , a new culture and a new man , a country in which social relations were no longer based on human exploitation , and in which the deathly oppression of an exploiting class had been eradicated .
26 Other may sit there stubbornly waiting for you to tell them what they are meant to do whilst making it abundantly clear that the session is hardly welcome , indeed is being conducted almost under duress .
27 The rationale behind this decision may be to make it abundantly clear that the child is not the product of the adopters ' relationship with each other or with anyone else .
28 On the other hand the very nature of the work may be such as to make it quite clear that the duties of the employee to his employer can not properly be performed if he engages in certain activities in his spare time .
29 A spokesman for The Sun later confirmed : ‘ We wish to make it absolutely clear that the tape of the Queen 's message was obtained through a BBC employee . ’
30 ‘ The persistent concern to increase councillor calibre through reorganization ’ , he says , ‘ makes it equally clear that the essential object of reorganization has been to make local government more functional for dominant interests , by restructuring it so as to facilitate their direct control of its expenditure and interventions ’ ( 1979 , p. 245 ) .
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