Example sentences of "[verb] of [art] death of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her small crushed handkerchief was quite inadequate to contain the huge tears that welled from her eyes after she had heard of the death of Signor Fixit .
2 His many friends and colleagues will be sad to hear of the death of Edwin ( Eddie ) Ketley at his home in New Zealand on 6th March .
3 But I must say how said it made me to hear of the death of Walter the Gardener .
4 We were all sorry to hear of the death of Richard Holt , who made a big mark in this House and put Langbaurgh on the map .
5 WE have received many messages from graduates who have been saddened to hear of the death of H. H. Lucas , former Warden of Wortley and then of Cripps Hall .
6 Sir — It was with deep sadness that I heard of the death of Fred Daly , to date the only Irish winner of The Open .
7 He had known of the death of Oleg Demyonov , he had been told of the Soviet retaliation , he had been informed of the visit by the Consul to Lefortovo gaol .
8 ‘ I was very much saddened to read of the death of Dr H. H. Lucas in the NG ( Autumn 1991 ) .
9 It was sad to read of the death of Michael Seely , racing correspondent of The Times , who lost the fight against a serious illness earlier this week .
10 The flag at Magdalen College was at half mast today as students learned of the death of Leigh Don Lau .
11 Finally , readers should return to the obituary section , another resting place for anecdote , to learn of the death of Kit Ounsted , a dedicated researcher , who ‘ saw developmental medicine as a science of biography . ’
12 It was in those far-off days as they strolled through the parks and boulevards of the great cities of the West , that people first began to speak of the death of images .
13 He plunged straight in , not bothering to enter into any explanations , knowing that Paul Lane would be thoroughly informed of the death of Sergeant Henley .
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