Example sentences of "[verb] be concerned [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He added : ‘ Aids for the disabled are the first glimmering of a further development of our culture , most of which has been concerned with the development of tools .
2 From the middle ages , Parliament has been concerned with the problems , central to the national economy , of productivity and the control of wages .
3 This appeal has been concerned with the treatment of anorexia nervosa .
4 Where the fund of damages is likely to be substantial , including future nursing costs and the like as well as loss of earnings , an accountant 's evidence can help the court to decide the multiplier , as well as the multiplicand , for example in the case of a one-man business where the accountant has been concerned with the accounts over a number of years and is in a position to give an expert opinion as to the future prospects of the business .
5 The majority of the discussion so far has been concerned with the assessment of children 's artistic rather than their aesthetic development .
6 Instrumentality My focus on instrumentality has been concerned with the issue of whether people are allowed to act out of self-interest in family relationships .
7 An emerging contemporary example of radical change is in the business which to date has been concerned with the defence industries .
8 The traditional public finance approach to intergovernmental grants ( or grants-in-aid ) which flow from central ( or federal ) government to local ( or state ) authorities has been concerned with the question of what form the grant should take .
9 A substantial part of the literature has been concerned with the properties of steady-state or balanced growth .
10 This chapter has been concerned with the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
11 Moreover , much of the work has been concerned with the analysis of the spectra and the interpretation of the parameters obtained in terms of theory ; though this is an essential part of understanding of the chemistry of transition metals , it is less directly related to determining the structures of their compounds .
12 But most human electrophysiological work has been concerned with the processing of incoming events , that is the ERP that follows the presentation of a stimulus .
13 Any adult who has been concerned with the design of type has re-experienced the need to see the importance of features ( thin and thick strokes , serifs , and so on ) of which they were previously unaware .
14 So far , criticism of functionalist theories has been concerned with the view that stratification is functional .
15 The FRPB has been concerned about the water quality of the River Almond ( Class 3/4 ) for some time and in June 1988 a River Almond Model Study Group was set up to monitor the deteriorating river quality .
16 More recently it has been concerned about the University 's financial and management difficulties .
17 The affidavit can also be sworn by some person such as a director , company secretary or similar company officer , or a solicitor , who has been concerned in the matters giving rise to the petition , or by some responsible person who is duly authorised to make the affidavit and has the requisite knowledge .
18 When I was Secretary of State for Education and Science I recall being concerned about the implications of some methods of teaching reading if they are followed too acutely — in other words , without a balance of reading methods .
19 Questions raised are concerned with the nature of writers ' inspiration , the link between form and content , as well as personalised questions suited to the individual .
20 Part 2 may have been concerned with the kinetics of the reactions between hydrogen isotopes under the conditions attainable .
21 It was Helen who pointed out that Mrs Fitton would have been concerned about the newspapers , as well as with her regard for Edward and for Edward 's welfare .
22 Men and women were busy under his supervision investigating and reporting on the lives of people who might or might not have been concerned in the death of this man .
23 In both cases the reasons advanced were concerned with the need for co-ordinating planning policies in these urbanised areas ( MLG 1970 : 12 — 13 ) .
24 The knowledge gained is concerned with the history of the development of the built environment and , as in other disciplines , the resulting insights contribute both to a critical understanding of the present day , and to the formulation of strategies for future development .
25 Ministers are known to have been concerned about the level of orders for the Crown Suppliers , since ministries could order furniture elsewhere .
26 In addition to this breach of the moral duty of fidelity , the court appears to have been concerned with the risk of confidential information being passed to competitors , because it was satisfied that the plaintiffs did own certain business secrets of which the employees had knowledge .
27 The men admitted being concerned in the supplying of cannabis on 28 and 29 October last year when they travelled by train from London to Dundee with 29 kilos of the drug .
28 Some of the most important fossils are extremely tiny : these will be discussed in a later chapter , and what follows is concerned with the forms that can be recognized from hand specimens .
29 Further , as a result of his youth , he had not known the great days of English victories in France , although these had been concerned with the activities of his father , and he himself had been born in Bordeaux not long before his father had crossed to Spain to win his final victory .
30 Throughout the inter-war years Labour politicians had been concerned with the preservation of peace .
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