Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] [prep] this country " in BNC.

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1 In these six we have proof that not all inhabitants of Jamaica , Sweden and Spain lack the temperament for this country 's robust style of play .
2 The conference report condemned genital mutilation and provided practical strategies to combat the practice in this country .
3 There 's a kind of shyness about trusting the professional in this country .
4 Recruitment of the young into the G M B is essential , as youth represents the future of this country as well as the future of the union .
5 As a member of the Board and Executive of the British Amateur Gymnastics Association which is responsible for shaping the sport in this country , chairman of the Women 's Technical Committee and the Commonweath Games Council for England gymnastics representative , Paul takes a high profile role .
6 They 're always knocking the government in this country , it 's not much the government are , are they ?
7 But the overriding consideration , in the opinion of myself and my colleagues , is the importance of keeping the judiciary in this country insulated from the controversies of the day .
8 Would you trust the judiciary of this country with that sort of er level of responsibility ?
9 For any political party that makes any pretence of seeking the government of this country to want to remove from the courts the sanction that my hon. Friend has described as so essential is utterly irresponsible .
10 There is no question of doubt that this Government caused the recession in this country .
11 What we do have and have had for a long time in this country is an acceptance within our law and an acceptance within our definitions of freedom that there are responsibilities with freedom and those responsibilities in this particular case , we have long accepted the argument in this country , maybe not as much as erm , well more in fact than some of our colleagues abroad and maybe they could learn from us from this , but it is not acceptable to have the freedom to be unnecessarily cruel and in fox hunting we have a sport that is unnecessarily cruel , there are ways in which you can deal with rogue foxes , there are ways in which you can actually ensure that the fox community does not destroy the whole , er farming countryside .
12 Will he describe how he sees the future of this country , should he allow that to happen ?
13 He says there are a number of ecological as well as economic reasons — it 's a longer , stronger tougher fibre — it makes a longer-lasting paper and it makes economic sense to grow the material in this country rather than importing it .
14 Saints secretary , Geoff Sutcliffe , said : ‘ We have been discussing the situation with Mike for some weeks now , but he wishes to leave and we will advertise the job in this country and abroad . ’
15 He called for action to tackle the difficulties without ‘ shaming the reputation of this country and infringing the civil liberties of a few helpless people whose only sin has been to seek freedom and our protection ’ .
16 that this conference congratulates our Bolshevik comrades of Russia on their splendid efforts to bring about a general peace , and their unflinching opposition to the brigands of international capital , though we deplore the fact that their efforts to stir the workers of all the belligerents to revolutionary action has not so far met with success , yet we promise to do all in our power to awaken the proletariat of this country to class consciousness so that a speedy end may overtake the tyranny of capital .
17 In 1979 , James Anderton , the Christian moralist chief constable of Greater Manchester , described the greatest threat to law and order as stemming from ‘ seditionist … interested groups who do not have the well-being of this country at heart and who mean to undermine democracy ’ ( Thompson 1979 : 380 ) .
18 The Government have made it clear that they will review the future of this country 's nuclear power industry in 1994 .
19 Any political decision that could lead to the closure of either Devonport or Rossythe would also put the defence of this country at risk .
20 Opinion polls showed that the charismatic Jackson would have won the contest easily , and thus removed the frequently heard criticism that he had never held elected office , but he stated that he preferred to concentrate his efforts at national level " to change the direction of this country " .
21 Is it wholly chimerical to hope that a newly elected Tory government with an unassailable majority might do its duty , however painful for itself , and take the first steps to reverse this pernicious evil and restore the tried and tested order of our ancestors by which only those fitted to rule have any right to elect the government of this country under the Crown ?
22 Is he aware that the parent company , which was nationalised as part of a French and Italian consortium , has threatened to remove the transputer from this country because of the British Government 's failure to support British industry in the way that the French and Italian Governments have ?
23 I introduced the concept to this country during the 1987 General Election in an attempt to overcome one of the major difficulties facing campaign organisers : getting consistent standards of presentation .
24 It remains the case in this country that safer-sex adverts which use pornographic imagery are largely produced by gay organisations and are confined to the gay press .
25 ‘ It 's been terrible watching the change in this country over the past 20 years from a time when the consensus was that the public good was what mattered , to today when people only care about shopping .
26 The supermarket chains , Sainsbury , Tesco and Safeway have applied to the high court to try to stop the opening in this country of an American style warehouse club .
27 If we are outside , we shall not enjoy the advantages of a single currency or have the investment in this country of those companies — our own and overseas firms — which want to invest in the core of Europe and enjoy full access to all that goes on in Europe .
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