Example sentences of "[verb] that [art] whole [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 We will meet at Fortingall tomorrow , and let us make it the biggest meeting of all — the Glen Lyon folk will join us there , and once Breadalbane joins with Atholl , then they will know that the whole people is on thy move .
2 In later years the events of 5 October were to be polished into simplified and incompatible propaganda versions ; it has to be stressed that the whole affair was a series of blunders and the violence resulted from a breakdown of control by the leaders of the march and the controllers of the police , and not from any pre-existing plan .
3 ‘ I remember once , though , when Sounds were searching for an interview and I happened to know that the whole thing was a set-up .
4 Rather Luke emphasises that the whole event is the work of evil .
5 " When you did me the honour of appointing me to the Mastership of Stockport School I was led to suppose that the Income , inclusive of Ten Pounds paid by your Worshipful Company , amounted to nearly Three Hundred Pounds per annum , and from an Enquiry , however , during my Residence here , I have had the Mortification to find that the whole Salary was not more than £25 10 10½d , so that it was impossible for me to remain in the Situation without a Prospect of Church Preferment in the Neighbourhood , which I have no reason to hope for .
6 They also found that the whole paper was poorly constructed .
7 We have an excellent reputation in Oxfordshire as an Education Authority erm and a reputation which extends around the country , so I do see it as a vote of confidence , and I am very pleased about it , but I do think that the whole exercise was somewhat premature in the light of the erm research and investigation that was going on into the tertiary college , and indeed the consulting process actually ran through at the same time as the campaign was running on whether the Banbury School should opt out , and erm regrettably I think has lost something as a result of having the two run together .
8 I do n't think that the whole office is n't big enough .
9 I picked out notes where he had just screwed up totally , but then I went back to the beginning again and realised that the whole song was just shifted .
10 ‘ It was then that he realised that the whole island was alive .
11 One has only to substitute the name of Jesus for ‘ love ’ in that chapter to see that the whole thing is a pen picture of Christ 's way of life .
12 ‘ You mean that the whole thing is a fraud ? ’
13 Not so many years ago , this would have been a non-question : Christians believed that the Star was one of God 's miracles , while scientists , by and large , believed that the whole story was a myth .
14 Having been told that the Government have conceded that the whole thing is nonsense , I can not begin to understand why we are not getting rid of it now , taking the strain off last year 's poll tax , which is becoming intolerable .
15 By the end of the campaign , when it seemed that the whole country was willing him on , it was as if he was everyone 's brother , everyone 's son , everyone 's lover .
16 Read newspapers , and do n't assume that the whole world is as interested in acting as you are .
17 Wardhaugh 's ( 1986 : 175–7 ) reference to the Belfast research , for example , appears to suggest that the whole thing was undertaken as an investigation of social network and the linguistic variables selected specifically for the purpose of demonstrating network patterns quantitatively .
18 Looking at this one you can see that the whole format 's totally different , like the cartoon on the front and the layout .
19 This declared that the whole affair was ‘ a godsend , a windfall , an apocalypse for Mr. Ruskin .
20 But he was firm as a rock — so firm that she began to suspect that the whole episode was a ruse .
21 " I suspect that the whole concern is insolvent , but the group accounts are in a fearful muddle .
22 Several institutions commented that the whole system was in such flux , because of the impact of CATE , that long-term tendencies could not be reliably described .
23 Knowing how radio sets are typically organized we would be much more likely to conclude that the whole circuit was working incorrectly .
24 Egyptian references maintain that the whole body was recovered , but Plutarch says that the penis had been eaten by a Nile fish and through her magic Isis had to create a substitute .
25 Either we assume that the whole universe is at the present moment in a very improbable state .
26 There may be readers who object that the novel makes a mystique of darkness and futility in the course of saying that the whole island is peripheral , arrested .
27 You passionately believe that the whole world is an ecosystem linked by interdependence .
28 Coffin said in a careful voice : ‘ Yes , but I find that the whole episode is puzzling .
29 ‘ We feel that the whole country is willing Tim to win this battle and it really does help us because without that we would have started to disintegrate over this last couple of days .
30 Anyway , that meant that the whole thing was top secret , because they did n't want to risk any leaks in case somebody followed up the work and got in first with a patent . ’
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