Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] 40 [unc] cent [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The evidence of the 1949 Royal Commission on Population on the use of birth control techniques , recognised to be inadequate on the matter , suggests that only 40 per cent of women married between 1910 and 1919 used some form of birth control at some time in their marriage compared with 66 per cent of those married between 1935 and 1939 .
2 Birthplace data from the 1841 census onwards show that only 40 per cent of those aged over 20 ( the only people for whom data are available ) had been born in the town they lived in .
3 A survey in a Southwark Salvation Army hostel in 1987 found that nearly 40 per cent of men who had recently moved in had symptoms which pointed to a diagnosis of schizophrenia .
4 Reddy says that about 40 per cent of that reduction came from improving efficiency .
5 When these figures are compared with the amounts of net personal income paid in the same period , it can be seen ( column ( 4 ) ) that about 40 per cent of net personal income in these three regions was financed out of net dissaving ( or losses ) .
6 ( 1982 ) estimate that about 40 per cent of all carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere remains there to enhance the greenhouse effect .
7 Du Plessis announced that about 40 per cent of the budget would go on social services , with health education receiving substantial increases .
8 Du Plessis announced that about 40 per cent of the budget would go on social services [ see p. 37568 ] .
9 The board 's inspectors said that about 40 per cent of incidents of pollution recorded there are due to contamination by silage effluent or slurry .
10 Dr Linebaugh has discovered that around 40 per cent of those hanged at Tyburn in the middle years of the eighteenth century had completed apprenticeships and a further 20 per cent had at least begun one ( see pp. 230 – 1 ) Even in London , the greatest centre of artisan manufacture , not all apprenticeships led to a skilled trade — the unfortunate climbing chimney boys for example — but it would seem reasonable to suggest that around half of the working men of the capital were to some degree skilled , in the sense of selling specialised labour .
11 The police report that over 40 per cent of burglaries of urban dwellings are break-ins to basement flats .
12 Notice that over 40 per cent of those people unemployed on the day of the count had been without work for over a year .
13 And only 40 per cent of three to five-year-olds have access to pre-school education .
14 In a previous double-blind trial , it had been found to be of value in about 70 per cent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and about 40 per cent of those with osteoarthritis .
15 Most of the projects are in Asia and about 40 per cent of the funds went to projects in very poor countries ; investment in fertilizers , chemicals and petrochemicals was the largest single group .
16 For example , those aged 65 and over accounted for one-third of all NHS prescriptions and about 40 per cent of acute hospital-bed occupation .
17 Since 1985 profits growth in the division has been restricted to an average of less than 5 per cent a year and as 40 per cent of revenues come from the US the one third fall in the dollar over the period obviously affected the outcome as have rising R&D costs .
18 Flyda says that the cost of Flydaway should be about one tenth that of a conventional underground line , and roughly 40 per cent of elevated systems .
19 In 1987 it won 27 per cent of the Birzeit student vote , 85 per cent of the Hebron University vote , and over 40 per cent of the vote at al Najah , where the threat of violence between secular and religious students provoked the voluntary closure of the university until feelings had sufficiently abated .
20 In Khartoum and the Northern region , the vast majority of children get to primary school , and over 40 per cent of sixteen-to eighteen-year-olds are at secondary school .
21 Indirect evidence from the 1911 census suggests that about 20 per cent of married women born in 1831–45 ( and therefore marrying from the mid-1850s onwards ) and over 40 per cent of those born 1861–70 were controlling their fertility ( Matras 1965 ) .
22 Borrowing financed 31 per cent of spending in the War of Spanish Succession ( 1702 – 13 ) and over 40 per cent of that in the American war ( 1776 – 83 ) .
23 Half of those making this statement thought they would use it for experimentation and over 40 per cent for information handling .
24 Since the fifties , the law has ratified tenants ' right to freedom from damp , but nearly 40 per cent of the tenants in Shepherd 's Nottingham estate said their health had been impaired by damp .
25 Agriculture can have a major environmental impact ; as about 40 per cent of Trust land is farmed , a survey is being conducted which will look in particular at effluent disposal , water quality and the use and disposal of agricultural chemicals .
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