Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] looked out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sliding her arm from beneath him , Beth got out of bed and , wrapping her robe about her shivering form , went first to the window , where she looked out at the moonlit night .
2 ‘ I kept thinking today how lucky I was , you see , how blessedly fortunate , with all I have , all that is so comfortable , all that makes me so — so much happier than I was , and then this evening I went to the Rectory and when I returned I was in my room and I looked out at the darkness and I thought of you and how lonely you must be after all the company and society you have known just recently and I thought — I thought — ’
3 ‘ Fuck you , ’ the Maggot screamed at whoever fired at him and I looked out of the Beechcraft 's side window to see palm trees going past at over 150 miles an hour and above us .
4 Deep inside she knew that if he had tried she would have repulsed him , and she looked out of the window at the moonlit sky .
5 But I looked out of the window as I spoke to him .
6 In fact , unless you looked out of the window you would n't even know the ship was moving . ’
7 I woke early , and when I looked out of the window , I saw two men examining our boat , but I decided not to wake Herbert or Startop , who needed their rest after rowing all the previous day .
8 We finished our meal in silence , and when I looked out of the window , all I could see was darkness and snow .
9 When I looked out of the window and saw you creeping through the garden , I thought I 'd better come down and find out what you were up to . ’
10 Things seemed quiet enough , but it was an uneasy calm and in the late afternoon , there was a crump of a bomb and when I looked out of the window I saw a black pall of smoke in the distance .
11 We talked of England : and my host was so inspiring in his eloquence on the subject of what England might have achieved in friendship with Germany that , as I looked out on the twilight enshrouding the Kurfiarstendamm I could think of nothing to say but Marlowe 's famous lines :
12 However , this sensation evaporated as soon as I looked out of the window , when I realized how imprisoned I was by my ignorance , which Aisha seized upon , exploiting the fact that I did n't know how to flush the toilet , work the shower , turn on the oven or boil the electric kettle to make tea , and that I could n't understand what her older child or her next-door neighbour said .
13 I heard a noise one night , like several motorbikes roaring down the road , only it was coming from above , and as I looked out of the window there they were — three red exhausts in the sky , blinding along a parallel course a few feet above the roof tops .
14 As I looked out of the window I noticed that frost was forming on cars .
15 As I looked out of the window into the black emptiness , I wondered about the great mystery of death , and thought of Helen Burns , who was so sure her spirit would go to heaven .
16 ANNE Garwood was horrified when she looked out of the window and saw her husband taking in the milk .
17 Now , when she looked out into the Estuary , she saw not seals , or castles , or knights in armour but Mr Bishop 's body , rolling in on the tide .
18 And then , when she looked out from the window of her room in the Palings Hotel , there he was , a star performer modest amid the crowd , the Great Zeno , walking past with his twin , Luke Mallen .
19 It was Aggie 's day to visit the outskirts , but as she looked out of the window on to the patch of grass that was welcoming the steady downpour , she said , half to herself , ‘ It 's a good job I 'm not forced to go out , ’ and a voice in her mind added , ‘ You need never go again if you do n't want to . ’
20 Almost touch them with my hand , thought Jenny Dale as she looked out on the skyscrapers , then turned her attention to flying the small , six-seater , twin-engined Piper Seneca on to the final approach .
21 A CD of Dire Straits ' greatest hits she 'd found in the apartment matched her mood as she looked out into the dark night , lit only by the dramatic outside lighting of the gardens .
22 ‘ Of course I have , ’ she answered , her gaze unconsciously wistful as she looked out over the smooth water of the lake .
23 As we looked out of the shattered window and across the field opposite to where the Corporal was pointing , another burst of fire hit the house .
24 The day before our return , as we looked out over the battlements , we saw a succession of thick black clouds driving slowly in over the sand flats and camel grass .
25 There , as they looked out over the River Thames , he ordered a meal and demanded that she tell him her life story .
26 About two weeks later , the old gentleman saw another white sheet with black letters when he looked out of the train .
27 Apparently Gagarin said that when he looked out of the right window of his spacecraft and glimpsed the earth for the first time , he had an experience or sense of — and then he used a word which the interpreter did not know the meaning of , so he had to go to another table and ask another interpreter to help .
28 For a moment , as he looked out of the window , his mind became clear again and he thought : " My God , the sepoys are attacking .
29 As soon as he looked out of the window on the morning after he arrived ( he tells them ) and saw what the place was like , he realized that it was based on the tutorial system .
30 It is easy to see how the plot of We Did n't Mean To Go To Sea hatched , as he looked out into the distance and remembered a time when as a young man his anchor had dragged , and he had found himself sailing out to sea at night .
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