Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] looked [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sliding her arm from beneath him , Beth got out of bed and , wrapping her robe about her shivering form , went first to the window , where she looked out at the moonlit night .
2 It was only after I 'd stopped doing that and gone into the corner to have a piss that I looked over into the other corner where there was a pile of rusty cans and old bottles ; there I saw the jagged stripes of the sleeping snake .
3 Soon , the spaceship left Earth , and everyone looked down at the burning planet .
4 As in Protevangelium ; And I looked up into the pole of the heavens and saw it standing still , and the fowls of the heavens without motion …
5 Well then er quite , so he said erm it was all quiet and I looked up into the darkness and I said that the old fellow had gone and he litten his fuse and there was me there I could see the sparks in the darkness and I was way twenty feet below him and he must have whatsit .
6 I stood alone on the beach next to the elaborate italics of Oliver ( the others had done capitals , of course ) , and I looked up towards the camera , and Stuart shouted ‘ Cheese ! ’ and Gillian shouted ‘ Gorgonzola ! ’ and Stu shouted ‘ Camembert ! ’ and Gillian shouted ‘ Dolcelatte ! ’ and suddenly I had this crying fit .
7 And I looked up to the air and saw the air in amazement .
8 And I looked up unto the pole of the heaven and saw it standing still , and the fowls of the heavens without motion .
9 ‘ I kept thinking today how lucky I was , you see , how blessedly fortunate , with all I have , all that is so comfortable , all that makes me so — so much happier than I was , and then this evening I went to the Rectory and when I returned I was in my room and I looked out at the darkness and I thought of you and how lonely you must be after all the company and society you have known just recently and I thought — I thought — ’
10 ‘ Fuck you , ’ the Maggot screamed at whoever fired at him and I looked out of the Beechcraft 's side window to see palm trees going past at over 150 miles an hour and above us .
11 As I held it , I knew if I looked over to the bed he 'd be there , hands behind his head , stealing , this time , an image of his widow .
12 She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up into the thin face of Edward Morris .
13 Bessie was busy rolling out pastry for the meat pies and she looked up at the young nurse .
14 The desperate woman 's eyes sparkled and she looked up at the crafty totter with new interest .
15 The fortune-teller lay on her back behind the low wall and she was dying , or perhaps she was dead , for her eyes were open and she looked up at the stars .
16 Deep inside she knew that if he had tried she would have repulsed him , and she looked out of the window at the moonlit sky .
17 ‘ No , you did n't scream until you looked off into the wings . ’
18 If you looked up to the right there was just a green shoulder and endless sky , day after day blue .
19 As he stared down at his half-empty glass Billy became aware of Freddie watching him closely and he looked up at the schemer suddenly , fixing him with a cold stare .
20 He thought suddenly of how she must look , seen from inside the kitchen she was leaning out of ; an ugly sexual idea occurred to him , and he looked about for the big black BMW bike , but it was n't there .
21 But already the noise was diminishing , the violence of the anger subsiding as rapidly as it had built up , and he looked back at the audience to see people taking their places again , Gerrard and the earphoned men in shirtsleeves moving quickly and purposefully among them , urging them into seats .
22 A movement caught his eye and he looked back at the man standing on the steps of the rear coach .
23 He was shadowed everywhere in Sheffield , and he looked back on the experience as his most annoying transfer hid — particularly as it turned out to be one of his rare failures .
24 Rory could n't suppress a soft chuckle at the thought , and he looked down from the stepladder at the sound .
25 But I looked out of the window as I spoke to him .
26 In fact , unless you looked out of the window you would n't even know the ship was moving . ’
27 But she looked down through the glass skylight and recognised in Maggie 's cropped hair and long white body the same contours that she had seen in that other virgin warrior whom she had inspired into battle .
28 When I looked up into the mirror again , he was moving , crawling towards something behind him .
29 Yet when I looked back on the last hour or so I could come to only one conclusion .
30 I went on further , and their lightness and gleam had gone when I looked back for the last time .
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