Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] moved [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Angel of Death was closer now , shadowed in the half-light from the church , the two marble attendants on guard at the mausoleum 's bronze doors , everything as usual except that tonight , I could have sworn that there was a third figure and that it moved out of the darkness towards me .
2 IN THE EARLY 1970s , my wife and I moved out to the northern beaches of Sydney .
3 The firing continued for another hour , and I moved quietly through the trees to the shore .
4 Mark and I agreed to have a game together soon and I moved off down the course , and mused on the ways in which the pro golfers cope in their different ways with the unusual demands of the pro-am .
5 Until I moved in to the Rectory at Seend , I lived briefly at the Bell Inn , St Edith 's Marsh , Bromham , near Devizes .
6 Colour swam under her skin , and she moved further into the room and closed the door , feeling as she did so that she was cutting off her last line of retreat .
7 This one was just about right , though it bulged our financial boundaries , and we moved in with the previous owners ' carpets and curtains and little else .
8 ‘ Jenner took most of them with him , ’ Diane said as the youth passed and they moved on towards the doors of the Science block .
9 Then some sea creatures developed lungs and the ability to breathe air and they moved out of the ocean on to dry terrain .
10 From the autumn of 1916 , Modigliani used a room in Zborowski 's apartment in the Sunny Hotel as a studio , until they moved late in the year to an apartment in the Rue Joseph Bara .
11 At that instant , his paralysis vanished and he moved quickly towards the glass doors .
12 And he moved rapidly toward the door , anxiety welling up in him .
13 Me ai n't know what was in that glance , but we moved in behind the police .
14 The majority of farm servants stayed only the one year with their master after the annual hiring , but they moved only into the service of other farmers drawing labour from the same hiring fair .
15 During follow up of the 228 children six were excluded because they moved out of the area or because of poor attendance .
16 Since you moved out of the old house we ca n't stay with you and Jane hates hotels .
17 Knowing that I wanted to speak to the bedu woman to learn more of her life , the Sheikha signalled me to stay while they moved out of the dining room , pulling their veils over their masks .
18 Somehow , she 'd have to end it before they moved up to the room , or the suite , or whatever Charlie 's contact had lined up for them .
19 For a second she thought they must have turned the other way , and then she saw them again , riding through the trees , the sunlight striking them before they moved off into the shadows .
20 Forester checked the drawers and cupboards before he moved through into the main room .
21 I HAVE been a patient in a Trust hospital since before it moved out of the NHS in May , and I 've witnessed what that means .
22 When everyone moved out of the kitchen into the living-room after lunch , leaving Jannie to put the coffee on , Bob lingered behind with her , savouring the sudden calm .
23 The door opened , and her presentiments were realised as someone moved stealthily across the carpeted floor , the narrow beam of a torch flitting over the low couch and the bureau set against the far wall .
24 As I moved closer to the edge of the site , I felt a sense of optimism welling up inside me .
25 Sally did n't want another long day on the hill , so wished me well and watched for an hour as my headtorch beam got smaller and more erratic as I moved away across the glacier , interrogating the ice .
26 I set out the sunset quickly starting with the yellow around the sun and growing darker and more towards blue as I moved out from the centre , using a mixture of water and ox gall to make the paint stay wet .
27 ‘ About half-an-hour before Paris , ’ she answered , and he was relieved when she moved on down the aisle .
28 And when she moved in for the kill she was as hard , and as final , as any of her male colleagues .
29 As she moved away from the pavement , a black BMW slowed down and drew abreast of them .
30 She might have succeeded in reaching him , but the tree was laden with apples and as she moved up among the higher branches where the fruit had almost ripened , apples began to cascade down .
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