Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] sat down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Fabia reached Ven 's suite and let herself in , walked across the sitting-room and into her bedroom where she sat down on the edge of the bed , and felt , for the moment , defeated .
2 She slammed the boot down , with a cry of ‘ God Almighty ! ’ and ran indoors , where she sat down at the kitchen table and beat her fists against the wood , with anger , with frustration , with a sudden , desperate concern for Nick .
3 I went into a toilet and there was none and I sat down on the toilet , looked up , they were all above the door , five of them !
4 One of the officers showed me into the aeroplane and himself sat down in the pilot 's seat .
5 Then there was silence and she sat down on the chest , weeping and shaking .
6 Her long , strong legs folded under her and she sat down on the rug in the hallway and sobbed to her heart 's content , while Alex patted her shoulder and wondered if he really understood his sister at all .
7 He flung his head to one side and muttered something , his face was twisted up ; he pushed himself away and fell out through the entrance and on to his knees , and she sat down on the floor for her legs felt weak and the wounded one was throbbing painfully , and she crawled over to Sycorax and lay down beside her and sobbed hot , dry grief until she at last fell asleep .
8 The back was broken and there was only one plank left to sit on , but I sat down on the peeling green paint .
9 Before we sat down in the restaurant Jamila took me aside and kissed me on the mouth .
10 I enquired , as I sat down on the floor beside him .
11 She trailed a hand along an imaginary banister , sweeping the other behind where the skirts of a ball-gown would have trailed and was so tangibly created that when she sat down on the sofa Delia Sutherland moved to make room for the folds of that gown .
12 When she sat down at the table her mother said , ‘ Well , you can help yourself , I 've got my hands full here . ’
13 As she sat down at the table she said to the child , ‘ Sit up now . ’
14 Candles burned on the table where they were to dine and as she sat down at the table she banished the sob for evermore .
15 She was too to enjoy the hot weather and little beads of perspiration shone on her forehead as she sat down at the big desk opposite the row of girls .
16 ‘ I have n't forgotten how the Dalesfolk talk , you see , Mam , ’ she teased , as she sat down on the bench next to her mother .
17 As she sat down on the couch , Ben sat opposite her on the settle , his big body and large head topping the back of it while his short legs hardly touched the floor .
18 You 've a gift for this sort of thing , ’ declared Susan , as she sat down by the fire and gazed appreciatively round the room .
19 As we sat down to the first of many repetitive meals of salted fish and ground corn , I broached the question of finding a prahu which might carry us as far as Aru .
20 When they sat down at the kitchen table , Emily perched on the edge of her chair , and her hands were never still .
21 ‘ Because one thing 's for certain , Charlie Trumper , ’ she told him as they sat down in the little room at the back of Salmon 's to check the monthly accounts , ‘ you do n't know the first thing about butchery .
22 Each night he would be more red-eyed , hardly able to drag his feet with tiredness , his face caked white with lime , lime in his eyes and ears and nostrils , his throat dry , lime thick through his hair and clothes and when he sat down to the table he felt as if he were eating lime .
23 ‘ I did n't know you were home , ’ said Terry , as he sat down on the adjacent bed .
24 She perched herself uncomfortably on the only chair in the room as he sat down on the bed .
25 Dr Neil swallowed again as he sat down on the bed , not too near , not too far away .
26 ‘ Yes — yes , of course , ’ she murmured , taking a quick , nervous sip of coffee as he sat down on the bed beside her .
27 When his illness was at the active stage , he was very particular about keeping his own utensils separate from everyone else 's , and would joke about it , saying as he sat down at the table , ‘ Make way for the leper . ’
28 ‘ Bob 's got his girl-friend staying with him , ’ he said to Jannie , still grinning , as he sat down at the kitchen table and sipped absently at the cup of coffee which had appeared there .
29 ‘ What 's this queer stuff ? ’ he would say , as he sat down at the table ; then : ‘ Hmm .
30 ‘ I never expected to see you — or anyone else — up here this morning , ’ Seb admitted honestly as he sat down at the kitchen table .
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