Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] stick it in the " in BNC.

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1 I was out at a friend 's house , we were opening a bottle of beer , the top had jammed , and I stuck it in the heel of the door to get the top off , and it exploded , I suppose it was too shaken up with everyone handling it .
2 So I took the envelope off those tickets and I tore that up and wrote down and I stuck it in the water heater that the sitting room fire may be on , please check .
3 And the thing about Fingers was always black now with holding on to the thingummy and then putting in drifts , and hammering , your fingers was get er drift was always on a in a a pan a wee pan with oil in it , drift was always full of oil and you stuck it in the hole .
4 And he 'd got a strip of steel about four inches the half inch and he stuck at the back of his , i it was a long seat that were a four of us sat on with iron legs and they stuck it in the wood and you 'd flip it and it i , you know how it would sto
5 If all these gorgeous chaps are going to rally to the standard when we stick it in the salt pot , then I , for one , am going to be as fragrant and petal-soft as a lady in a soap commercial .
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