Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have [adv] heard [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And , for your information , I 've long wished that I 'd never heard of you — or your wretched grandmother .
2 The Secretary of State made one of the worst speeches that I have ever heard from a Minister in the House .
3 The right hon. Gentleman made the weakest speech in favour of a guillotine motion that I have ever heard from a Leader of the House and that is saying something .
4 ’ People still come up to me on the streets all the time and ask the most personal kind of questions that you 've ever heard in your life , like , ’ How could you do such-and such on screen ? '
5 Peter White , this instability could result as people have been warning in Civil War , that we 've already heard about venturism being er , suggested by the Russian leader Boris Yeltsin it , he might try to change the boundaries of the Soviet Republics .
6 → Well , when I replied to the very first letter criticising Eric 's apparent tonal excesses , I mentioned the differences that we 've all heard between one Marshall , or Boogie , or Strat , or Les Paul from the next .
7 He addressed us now for the first time , in far more lucid Indonesian than we had ever heard from his elders .
8 I could do a couple of tapes worth of slang words that they 've never heard of before .
9 It was a letter about her daily life , her family , her children and grandchildren , ‘ a precious human exchange ’ delicately penned by someone whom he had never met , from a country that he had hardly heard of , ‘ that became part of my flesh … a symbiosis developing between the correspondent and the prisoner ’ .
10 Tawell , who was deeply affronted that such a respectable businessman should be arrested on such a charge , exclaimed that he had never heard of Sara Hart , nor of Salt Hill , and he had definitely never been there .
11 He said that he had never heard of ‘ the place ’ [ the seat of Compton or Burnett ancestors ] .
12 If I did not add this information , I felt I should be told that he had never heard of M. Guérigny .
13 The show exhibitor 's horse ‘ has presence and a smart way of going' ; the pony clubber 's horse may be ‘ willing and lovable' ; whereas the horse dealer 's horse has every virtue that anyone has ever heard of : ‘ What ya want , she 's got ! ’
14 I walked into this little club on the highway and I 'd never heard of them before , but there was this great , white blues band .
15 ‘ When I first came out I stayed with Julia and I 've since heard from her to say well done , ’ says Corinne .
16 ‘ I 've lived here for years , and I 've never heard of a Mrs Rochester ! ’
17 And I 've never heard of Peter Wright .
18 It is a frightening experience , and I have never heard of anyone doing it a second time .
19 Then he got talking about you , asked me if I 'd ever heard of you . ’
20 However even though it is a neural network however , erm you can see it is a pack recognition technique and in fact it was first developed in nineteen fifty nine as the N tuple method er by some chap Browning erm I think cos I 've never heard of Browning since that paper .
21 Must be a fairly new garage cos I 've never heard of them before .
22 If she 'd already heard of Burrows ’ escape , she would assume that our attention would be directed towards him .
23 We wonder if she has ever heard of chronic paranoid schizophrenia , and she tells us to be quiet .
24 If it is even if you 've never heard of them before you know sort of funnium carbonate or something
25 Yeah cos you 've never heard of him
26 Such is fame : our exploit brought us international mention with a few lines by the Canadian Press but our feat was not mentioned in Robert Ripley 's ‘ Believe It or Not ’ column , and we had never heard of the Guinness Book of Records in those early days .
27 Back to our lead story , and we 've just heard from Paris that
28 ‘ When she left the Island , she turned her back on the family and we 've never heard from her since .
29 ‘ Parents have to rely on references to gauge their backgrounds , and we 've all heard of cases when references are forged .
30 Of the remaining seven , three were imprisoned before they could contact the Council , two were afraid that they might be recognised walking into the Council 's offices , one had a ‘ habit so big ’ that he thought it would be a waste of time , and one had never heard of the service .
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