Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] find a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For my own part , having a little woodland garden , this is one of the two plants which I am forever poking in where I can find a place for another .
2 There are two types of agencies where you would find a job .
3 Faliraki is a lively town where you 'll find a host of tavernas , bars and discos .
4 To one side of the main building is Llanthony Yard where you will find a forge , Engine House and workshops , with regular demonstrations of the skills needed on and around the waterways .
5 On the Corniche we asked a traffic policeman in a white booth where we might find a hotel .
6 ‘ I give you my word , ’ she said intensely , ‘ that I will find a man who can save Swift for us all , and then I 'll marry him . ’
7 With any system of control by criminal offences there is always the risk that someone may find a loophole , a way which misleads the public without amounting to an offence .
8 However , with youthful if foolish optimism she had proudly assured him that she would find a solution to the problem .
9 With the help of outplacement consultants and Chartac ( phone : 071–628 7060 ) , which runs regular seminars and one to one discussions , Tanya is optimistic that she will find a job in a medium-sized company in commerce and industry , as number two or three to the financial director .
10 Doubt that you 'll find a loophole easily . ’
11 I think if you can now , it may be that you could find a sort of semi-structured thing like the Richmond Fellowship .
12 That famous dish of cheese stewed with white wine and flavoured very expensively , but very necessarily , with kirsch , has of late years received so much publicity that you can find a recipe for it in almost any cookery book or magazine you pick up .
13 ‘ I do not think , ’ he said with some conviction , ‘ that you will find a company prepared to take the risk . ’
14 Unless you have a transformer made or wind one yourself , it is unlikely that you will find a 22V secondary , but a 20V type is quite satisfactory .
15 You can be sure that you will find a solution of Laplace 's equation satisfying the boundary conditions , but you will have to find out which problem you have obtained the solution of .
16 An omnibus awaited us , and we got ourselves and our luggage stowed therein or thereon ; but a place in the hotel omnibus does not guarantee that you will find a corner in the house .
17 It 's happening in major cities , local groups are getting involved , so you might find a village firm somewhere is organising a sponsored walk .
18 So many of us keep so many medicines on our shelves for donkeys years in the hope that we might find a pill that will suit us at some time .
19 I take the view that a collection of material which is consonant with our acquisitions policy in other respects , should be accepted on the assumption that we must find a way of preserving it and making it available .
20 It is essential that we should find a way to control our currency and to make it stable .
21 That we should find a mind of such devious ways . ’
22 It is perhaps in the surviving pre-Conquest books more than anywhere that we can find a clue to Lanfranc 's impatient determination to make a completely new start with the monastic life at Canterbury .
23 It is only when we begin to face an illness that we can find a cure .
24 The thing had died , and for its death they could also find no reason … no more than they could find a reason for how it was able to live in the first place .
25 We pray for those who are seeking to bring peace , in Yugoslavia , in the Middle East , in South Africa , in Northern Ireland , that they may find a way to true and lasting reconciliation .
26 ‘ We suggested to the ministry a long time ago that they should find a flock with salmonella and test the eggs for salmonella .
27 No , there was no hope of her husband exploding with rage at the thought of leaving her and swearing that he would find a way to remain .
28 I told Sir Paul that he would find a booklet describing the church in the bookstand .
29 At first they assumed that he could find a place among the steep woods behind Camserney and be supplied by their good friends Donald and Aileen Gillies at the mill .
30 Well it 's up to you if you want them to s shall I see if I can find a girl and you might try a size ten in the other ones would you like me
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